On making great results in swimming: How Alexander Dale Oen did it!

in OCD4 years ago


Alexander Dale Oen is dead today. And his death came as a shock for us, and we will always remember him. Alexander Dale Oen was a Norwegian swimmer in the top of the world in breast swimming. He represented the clubs in svimming from the western part of Norway, and the Baerum svimmers!

Alexander Dale Oen was world champion, european champion, and he was Norway’s first winner of silver when he took this medal during the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008. Alexander Dale Oen won eight King’s Cup! Hence, his enormous results and performances made his brand image great, and he was always a hero in his life, and after his death he is still a hero. He is a hero all days in our human minds!

Alexander Dale Oen was born at 21 May 1985 in the community of Oygarden nearby Bergen. And he died suddenly, and it was really a shock for all of us that are interested in swimming, and that Norway has a name in swimming internationally! And Alexander Dale Oen died at 30 April 2012, and hence he was just 26 years old, and he was close to becoming 27 years. He died in Flagstaff in Arizona in the USA. This was a swimmer in the top of the world and in Europe, and he managed to make excellent performances.

The autopsy report after Alexander Dale Oens death is now ready, and it is made public in accordance to American laws. The Norwegian swimmer for men died of heart attack as the consequences of a blood clot in one of the three coronary circulation. The autopsy report shows that Dale Oen had a coronary circulation disease, and that means narrow blood vessels in the heart muscle due to considerable arteriosclerosis, and that he also had changes in the heart muscle consistent with small heart attacks 1 to 2 months before his death!

In Alexander Dale Oens life, much was about being a human in biosophy and philosophy about what life was, and what should be done. You cannot make all the excellent results unless you do them properly and with maximum strengths. Life is about understanding ecosophy and the balance and imbalance and the ways the nature is. You cannot always standardize a solution, but you should be clever to reach your goals. And Alexander Dale Oen did these things with much training and with smile and strong focus for getting the results, and you could always see his ways of focusing on good results and good performances in his eyes and in his body. But he was polite, and he needs to do the human justice of good results and getting individual and social harmony in nature!

Alexander Dale Oens personal trainers were Stig Leganger-Hansen and Sondre Solberg. Alexander Dale Oen got several awards, both national and international. He got a prize during the Sports Gala in Norway, and he also got the prize of being the best swimmer in Europe for men! And all persons you meet are in human nature, but there is education and the background that make us different! And that is nice! If the earth was filled with humans thinking and feeling the same, we just nee done human to be on earth, and for governing the earth. The great things are always individually, and we need much energy, power and spirit for going through the world with the best solutions regardless of what we are doing, and why we are doing as we are doing!

Alexander Dale Oen fainted in the shower in a hotel in USA! There is much literature on what Alexander did and did not, and we find videos on his medals, and also information on the internet for his life generally and specifically!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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