The history of music artists: The case of Trine Rein!

in OCD3 years ago


Trine Rein is a Norwegian singer. She is born in San Francisco, and she has both American and Norwegian citizenship. She has grew up in Nesodden in Norway. After a short stay in the United States, where she worked as a limousine driver, she travelled back to Norway.

You find Trine Rein on several ordinary music platforms today, and you can listen to her music on YouTube, YouTube Music, Spotify and Deezer. She is born on 7 November 1970 in San Francisco in California in the USA, and that is the land in the gray light, and there are much variations and many people and many experiences that can be done «over there». And there is much shooting behavior there, and people are sometimes doing stupid things, but the main lesson of the USA, is that is a land we love, and a country where we get utility, pleasure and inspiration within. But people are having a gun where there is risk for being killed on the open place and the open markets.

Trine Rein has been active as a singer since 1988. And she is married with the well known adventurer and nature discoverer Lars Monsen, and he has been much on Norwegian TV, also with travelling experiences in the mountains at home in Norway and in Canada and in Alaska. Lars Monsen and Trine Rein are married from 2015. Trine Rein has received Spellemannprisen as the year’s newcomer in 1993. Her parents are Robert Schoolcraft and Marit Rein.

Trine Rein is an example on how you can make success in music both at home and abroad, it is just your mentality and your mood and your mind that are putting restrictions on you. So, if you open your mind, you can be in many countries, and Trine Rein is welcome and loved many places. The most known songs of her are: «I Will Always Love You», «Just Missed the Train», and «Torn».

Trine Rein is also loved and known for other songs on the Internet, for instance her music videos. And some of them are also being song as Sing-along on the Border. And this border is called for Grensen in Norwegian, and it is the border between Norway and Sweden, and it is a quite popular place during the summer – especially the summer holidays - in Norway, also on TV! And there are several people leading these programs on TV, and there are many people as the audiences, and there are also some music artists there, and Trine Rein has been one of them. Which melodies are Trine Rein given us as music videos and at Grensen? Trine Rein sings songs like «Torn» and «Joy» as music videos on the Internet and as songs at Grensen. We also find a trip for sale on the Internet for Trine Rein, and she is going to visit one persons or more persons at Mo i Rana.

Trine Rein is still active as a musician, and she has moved much abroad to sing and to get new singing contracts, and she has also been active with getting engaged with Eurovision, and this song contest. Trine Rein has stated that she will never be active in the Eurovision Song Contest, but despite these things that she has said about the contest, she reached the final in Norway in 2006, but she did not manage to be popular on the international stage. On May 18, 2010, Rein premiered her first single in twelve years titled "I Found Love" on her official website, and it became available for digital purchase on May 24. Rein's new album (her fourth record to date) was called Seeds of Joy, and was released on September 20, 2010. The genre of the music to Trine Rein is rock, and she is using her mouth to sing with her beautiful voice. We find Trine Rein on the Internet on the address: And Trine Rein is working with the economy on her doings, and she said one time that it was strange to sell a million albums, and not afford a coffee. But the future is smiling and open for Trine Rein now! And due to the Corona-crisis she has lost revenues with too few projects to start in this challenging and difficult time!

We wish Trine Rein good luck for the future!

And again some music as it was asked to be included! :)

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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