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RE: 1095 + 1 - G-dog's journey

in OCD4 years ago

We each have a different journey and yours seems similar to others I have heard, although unique to you.

I recall stalling my brother, telling him sure, sure I'll have a look, every time he mentioned it...Had I started six months earlier I wonder where I would be from an HP perspective...Certainly higher. But I made it here after all and am glad to have done so.

I interact a lot, and seem always to be talking about engagement in some format and feel it is pivotal to success. I don't always get to talk to as many as I would like as I'm often focused on those that need my assistance however it's nice to be able to drop by and say hello, with you for instance, knowing that I'll get a decent response. That's the thing with well-built relationships...They endure. If only newbies would understand that.

I hope BYS is going well.