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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement topic week 2 [40 hive in prize money!]

in OCD4 years ago

Yes, Qantas will be around, but I paid with Virgin and it's not likely I'll see a return of funds if they don't fly as they owe billions. Oh well, lucky I'm fucking sexy...I'll just sell my body on the street corner and raise the funds to buy new tickets...I've budgeted 10 cents a pop so...Two tricks per day, 20 cents...I should be in Tasmania by 2083!


haha :)

Hmmm, now you are giving me some additional capital raising ideas......

I'm not sure it will work for a bloke like me but for you...I'd start spending the money now bro, you're going to be rich!

Is there a website packed with mature ladies with bags of cash? That's this morning covered :)

Ladies luncheon, last Tuesday of every month bro.


Over 65's? :O

Not sure I could go that 'high', yet!

I know of a few other options...They're for off-chain though. :)

Oh no! Please keep them there... The mind boggles in ways I could never have conceived... 😶

You do realise that's the where the real megawealth resides though?

I don't want to be too distasteful but it wouldn't be for too long anyway! cough...

Oh heck... I need to start reading the whole comment and not just scanning... Maybe it doesn't translate from my mind to Oz-mind but all I saw was...

Virgin... Sexy... Two tricks per day!!!

Oh wait no... I just re-read and it was exactly as inappropriate as I first imagined... Oh well... Carry on.

BTW a quote I use often from and old TV series ((Harry Enfield show))

I'm at that difficult age I'm too old to be a rent-boy and too young to be a wino...

Lol...Being appropriate is something that eludes me. I have to temper it for hive lest people get the wrong idea...Sometimes the beast within just won't be caged though.