G-dog's weekend-engagement topic week 2 [40 hive in prize money!]

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Last week I decided to give away some hive for the best comment to a topic I set, which was: Your weekend. I got some cool comment-entries and although I was only giving away one prize at first I ended up giving away two for a total of 15 hive. You can see the winners announcement post here.

At the time I hadn't decided to continue the concept but I had some fun and so I am going to. This post introduces this weekend's topic so read on if you want a chance to win a share of 20 40 hive for nothing but a creative comment.

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The prize

This week I will commit 20 + Boomy's 20, so 40 hive in prizes (see edit below) and there'll be at least three winners (provided I get the entries) and possibly more.

I'm open to offers if anyone would like to add to the prize pool. No pressure, but hit me up if you would like to though.

EDIT: Prize pool now 40 hive!

Thank you @meesterboom for your 20 hive addition to my prize pool. It's worth playing for I'd say!

The criteria

This is about fun so the winning comments will be funny, strange, crazy, outrageous, totally fabricated or brutally honest, very creative, humorous, disturbing, mad as fuck, loopy, inappropriate, serious, unbalanced, passionate, passionless, demented, fanatical and anything else you want to inject into it. Creativity and fun is the key though. It's your comment so you can make it whatever you want!

Please keep your comments to under 100 words or so and make sure you have your comment placed below by Monday morning 02:30 GMT - That's 12pm (lunchtime) Monday, my time. I will announce the winner(s) later that evening and the hive will be transferred as soon as practicable Monday.

Why do this?

It's an excuse for people to engage and a nice way for people to have a laugh or two, add some commenting of their own, and maybe start to build relationships with people they may not usually come across. Building relationships is the key here and what better way to open a relationship than with humour, creativity and fun? Also, I don't have a problem supporting those who help support themselves, hence my hive-injection for a prize.

With the world coming out of COVID-19 lockdown slowly, months of isolation and the inability to do much other than eat snacks and stare at walls I think it's a nice time to find out.

So...The week 2 topic:

How will you celebrate the end of lockdown?

Thanks to @meesterboom for suggesting this one. It should prove nice and easy for most to get creative I think as we've had months to think about it and plan something suitable right? I look forward to laughing my ass off at your comments...If I get any that is.

So, there you have it...You can take this wherever you wish to go..Be creative though...I'm not necessarily looking for the truth...Just fun, creative and interesting. Surely everyone can make something up!

Drop your comments below and good luck.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

Join the Engagement League


For the last four months I have watched the Covid Screen, I have seen Covid Katy, telling everyone that a cure is on the way. I have watched her face become more gaunt over the four months. For the last four days I have watched as Covid Katy sat dead in her chair. No cheer leading of a vaccine on the way, She got the vaccine shot five days ago. Everyone watched her get the shot.

The next day she announced she felt great that the shot seemed to work, then shortly later her head hit the desk. It was funny to watch, her head literally bounced off the desk before finally coming to rest. You could see a small trickle of blood come out her ear.

I waited watching thinking someone would notice and change the channel, or put on a video for us to watch. No one came.

It has been two weeks now. Still no change Covid Katy is still head down on the desk, the blood has dried to a black inky color. I would expect to see some bugs crawling all over her, or to see some skin withering away and falling off, her hair at least falling out, Nope none of that she looked the same as she did when she first died.

The Door Alarm turned Green, we were out of lock down. The door unlocked a week ago, still I did not want to go out, I was glued to the Covid Katy, I could not take my waking eyes off of her. I would wait here, until my food ran out or I saw someone carry Katy from her resting place.

Haha, deliciously morbid and exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for. Now this is a good reply to my question! I wonder if a good part two could be no one bringing food...And eventual starvation. Good times, Good times. Lol.

Thanks for participating with this most excellent comment.


Thank you, the news is rather bleak at times so we have to make light of it or go nuts.

Exactly the point of this whole post. A chance for people to go a little nuts and be justified. 😂

Camp fire style stories are always fun, on the spot off the top of the head, it does break one out of the sometimes self-imposed modes we get into. Lots of great comments and shorts last time, so I thought I would play some too.

I'm glad you did, thanks and good luck for Monday...It's anyone's at this stage.

I have gotten a lot of support this last month, so you can pass me by, I am glad I am not judging.

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Hmmm... I suspect the 24 hour sensationalist news networks and only a stones throw from this anyway... You may have just inspired the Murdoch Satanic cabal empire with your dystopian, satirical account... Shows like Big Brother started the cult of schadenfreude that seemed to revel in 15 camera permanent feed of the tragic, insipid and voyeuristic. I think you tapped in to that vibe perfectly!

@galenkp already used the term deliciously morbid which is likely where I would have went for my summing up, so now I gotta think up a whole new descriptive term, thanks to him... Jeez why are the Aussies always so competitive with the Brits... This isn't the bloody ashes!!!

There was something terribly dark and satisfying about this piece, maybe that assessment speaks of a troubled mind, huh? Well if I'm guilty, you are too 😁

It is quite a long time since we moved in circles that saw us cross paths regularly @bashadow I need to change that. Have a great Monday and an awesome week to follow 🙂

Thank you. It was a fun thing to do. I have been playing with picture taking and picture post most lately. It has been awhile since I actually tried to write anything, and took the offered opportunity to play.

I could say that I am going to meet some old friends, travel, eat pizza because I missed them a lot. And the one I tried to make at home sucked.

But I won't say anything like that. Because I didn't miss all of those things as much as I enjoyed my life during lockdown.

No boundation to wake up early, to do work. I can wake up at 10, 11...heck some days I woke up at 1 in the afternoon. Don't need to do anything at all, my favourite kind of thing to do.

Play video games whenever I want, for how long I want.

Being an introvert, nobody forcing me to come and enjoy hanging out because I haven't met them for a week or so.

I kind of liked all this. And to be truthful, I was never bored in the lockdown. Hive added another source of enjoyment in my life, posting daily, hanging out with people I like on discord daily.

But, I think change is the only thing permanent in our life.

Guess I have to go back to that old boring life in a month or so.

So, how will I celebrate the end of lockdown?

By remembering these 3 months that I got to live like a kid again. I will cherish these moments for quite some time.

Lockdown didn't affect me too much...

But one of the crazy fucked up ways I would celebrate the end of lockdown would be to live like a caveman, but in the middle of the city...You know, wear a bear skin, carry a crudely made spear and club, and hunt like a neanderthal then retreat to my cave, probably a Macpac tent, light a fire and eat whomever I clubbed or speared after searing their flesh on the fire....Or raw.

Nah...Lockdown didn't affect me at all! Lol

lol, nice one bro...

Made my day better. Thanks...


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It seems to be a recurring theme among many of us blockchain types this kind of, leave me alone and don't begin visiting again I am happy in my own company lol.

I think change is the only thing permanent in our life.

Therein are some incredibly true words but disconcerting all the same I think... Anytime we believe we are ever really in control, we are fooling ourselves... It could all change in a heartbeat, right?

I worked through lockdown but other than that I didn't miss all the minutia of life, in many ways I embraced it too. Perspective, right?

Take great care and have an awesome week, no matter how you choose to spend it🙂

Thanks a have a good week ahead of you too bro.

Raaaar, go on my son!!

I will see your 20 hive and raise you 20. As they say in Fife Scotland, he hoch mahannie!!

ps: nobody says that anywhere :0D

What are ye doin' in mah swamp?

Sorry your comment dredged up an image somewhere in my mind, but it's so cluttered in there that I couldn't narrow it down to Shrek or William Wallace. When I did basic training in the army I was the only English lad in a dorm with 7 Scots. Jeez we had laughs like you cannot imagine...

I am a whisky lover and being young and cocky back then, I thought I knew how to drink... I DID NOT!!!

he hoch mahannie!! 😁

Yes! Yes indeed LOL.

Hehe, that must have been quite the laugh indeed. I do think we are a humorous sort and drinkers. Oh yes, let's not forget the drinking!!!

Oh it was but sadly they set me up to miss much of the first half of the 90's 🤣

There's probably some kind of litigation business been set up so that I could sue nowadays, right?

'Do you have alcohol induced amnesia caused by the Scots that wasn't your fault... Were you forced into buying tickets to see the proclaimers in concert? Call today'

A colleague suggested I take in Edinburgh once this is all over, reckons I'd love it. It's been 40+ years since I crossed the border. Sounds like a plan for a long weekend. Yup you're right very humorous and very warm. Enjoy your weekend 😎

Hehe, yeah. I can see the advert now. The thousands flooding the phone lines!!

Edinburgh is a good jaunt to go and see. Full of East coast sorts but not bad for all that ;0)

I have finished work and am getting set to enjoy my weekend. You have a good un too mate!


You and your new-fangled Scottish lingo...


I did formulate a plan for something I would like to do once lockdown is over... But uhm... I'm not entirely sure it's appropriate...

So here's the pitch. None of us have been out as much as we'd like of late, well, when I say none of us I am obviously forgetting the recluse-types, the hermits and the agoraphobics. There is also those who are perhaps kidnapped, held hostage for political reasons and those who have unfortunately become lodged in to their bathtubs due to hormonal and glandular reasons... Oh and big bones, mustn't forget the 'big boned'.

So I am happy to re-state that most of us have not been outdoors as much as we'd have liked, although now I come to think about it many people just don't care for that whole outdoors-thing all that much anyway, right? When did you last get run over by a double decker bus or high speed train in your kitchen, huh? Then there's people... Have you ever had to have interactions with humans? Sheesh! You ain't missing anything if you avoid them altogether...

Then there's acid-rain and UV rays, seriously you can't just mess with this stuff and not expect consequences. Also My Sister-in-laws, dog-walker's cousins personal security guard ((he's not really a personal security guard, more of a kinda uhmm... Parole officer is the term I think...)) was struck by lightning whilst watching dancing with the stars... You are just not safe anywhere these days are you?

Apparently venomous spiders have made their way to the UK this year... I said this would happen after Brexit!!!

These insidious arachnids apparently prefer fresh air so they are more likely to be found outdoors than in. You could almost spot a pattern in this stuff, right?

Anyway. Let me explain about my day out that I had been planning... Although... Dogs have been looking a little more feral recently. It's being cooped up indoors you see, maybe it's rabies??? I think if I saw a dog outdoors right now I would be a little reticent about going up to it and stroking it. Cats too, they are usually well socialised but apparently a scientist in the University of Nowhereville Iowa says they have regressed back to what is essentially a Sabre tooth tiger mentality... Sounds risk to me, I dunno about you?

I think the Weinstein scandal sparked all of this stuff!

So back to my idea... What I was planning to do although I've gotta be honest, now that I think about it, can you imagine the number of crazies roaming the streets nowadays? All those people who've been cooped up with their dysfunctional families not even having the chance to escape to their mundane little jobs? Once lockdown is fully lifted they will likely be wandering the streets wielding machete's and stun-guns in some kind of grown up parody of a cross between THE Walking Dead and Lord Of The Flies... I don't fancy crossing paths with those guys!

All of this at a time when the North Korean government is very quiet... Coincidence?

So back to my idea: I was going to head in to London with a group of like-minded friends in a piece of performance art. We were all going to dress in plague masks whilst coughing violently. This seems like something that would really help to lift peoples spirits as we head out of the current situation.

BUT I read an article about Africanised bees making a beeline ((pardon the pun)) for England even as I type this... There is a rumour on one of the forums I visit that suggests Boris Johnson has personally imported these bees, It's almost as though the government wants us to go outdoors isn't it???

D'you know something it might just be safer to stay home and not go out at all!!!

Now this is what I was looking for!

I'll join in on the plague mask idea, who doesn't like a little plague-frivolity!


Now this is what I was looking for!

Uhm... Dude! Even you don't seem to know what you're looking for haha...

Please keep your comments to under 100 words or so.

I know... I mean really know you were never ever expecting anything vaguely resembling 100 words from this guy lol. I cannot even say Good morning in passing to people I don't even like in anything close to 100 words!

I am heading out on a journey of mass engagement over the next three weeks as I have 22 days off work ((actually it's now more like twenty one and a quarter days... Jeez these comments take time to write 😁)) and I thought this would be the perfect springboard to get around the blockchain and meet people and I lovelovelove anything that promotes engagement in our community so simply had to support it my friend.

I shall be checking out the other commenters in this thread shortly to see if I need to eliminate my competition to say Hi to them... I love meeting new people 😇

Cool idea G. Enjoyed taking part a lot... I love to just go freestyle and write utter insanity occasionally... Nonsense is my middle name ((actually it's Hilda but don't tell anyone!!!)) Have a fab end to the weekend and a stunning week to follow man 😎

Hi Hilda, Steven, I hope you've had a good weekend.

A good idea to get out there and do some engaging when you have the time. Just remember to try and be brief although I know it will be hard for you. I mean, some may appreciate really long responses, but most will like quick back and forth which helps people save time and still engage. Being too wordy will not work in your favour with most, you have to pick your mark. (This is especially so with people who post and engage a lot I think). It's your choice, just do what you want to do, but is a suggestion to help you cover more ground in less time. You'll soon learn who to comment in long-form with.

Even you don't seem to know what you're looking for

I actually, do...Anything that isn't boring and run-of-the-mill. This is why I set guidelines around anything goes and hope people pick up on it. Creativity means to be creative and it seems some know how to be and some don't.

I'll see you around.

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I would take a full month off and travel in a van to see my country. Eating when I stop, making fire, grilling things. Maybe catch one or two wild chickens down the road and cook them😂😂
Would love to take it day by day, not planning, going with the flow, having fun and making pictures and memories. No pressure, just pure freedom and livin' la vida for one month. I would wash myself in a river just for the fun of it. Hahaha. Yeah. I'd love that.

I think chicken catching is on everyone's post-COVID wish list...Some may have to forego the activity though, due to lack of the required skills and mobility to do so, although I'm sure those who have chicken-catching- attributes would share their chickens with them right?

Nice of those chickens to offer up their lives to be grilled and consumed. Thanks chickens!


Hahahahaha now that you put it that way I look like a chicken hungry beast on a slaughter trip😂😂😂😂😂😂

There's a little chicken-slayer in all of us.


You speak for yourself and leave us vegetarian hippie-dude types out of it!!! 😁

I can say hand on heart I have not murdered once this week... Chickens I mean obviously and would not like to elaborate or take further questions on the topic...

Vegetarian huh? You probably murdered some lettuce or bean sprouts though...

No chicken in Romania is safe...

Ah yes... The idea of just rolling along with life, no work, no rules ((except for don't kidnap and murder hitch-hikers... That one seems sensible!)) leaving all the stresses behind and river-bathing, I gotta be honest river-bathing would really be dependent on temperature... What can I tell ya, I'm a baby hahaha.

Nice, relaxed vision for post apocalyptic world Mary 😎

Thank you Steven! Travelling more is a good desire to achieve

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After all these month’s of working from home, just around the time the lockdown likely will be lifted in the Netherlands, I will become a father and likely waste that precious built up energy in just a few days and start longing for the return of that boring time when my life was still quiet and peaceful.

Then after realization has dawned on me that this baby is going to stay in my house for the next 20 years at least, I will surrender to the responsibility and take him outside for walks, to see family and other things that babies need.

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Being a Father is incredibly rewarding ((and expensive!)) is utterly the best job in the world!!! ((except for being paid to be a pizza and whisky taster))

There will be times you will really wish for the boring days... especially at 3 till 5 am! But the amazing times willtotally make it all so worth it 🙂

Then after realization has dawned on me that this baby is going to stay in my house for the next 20 years at least,

Yup remember the at least part of that statement... I currently have a 20 and 28 year old at home, showing no signs they want to leave and join the paying for stuff world of living in their own home ((Secretly I love it though! But do not tell them...))

The greatest adventure in the world awaits

I’ve heard that said before and I’m quite sure that I will feel the same. I really look forward to it.

I can imagine that it’s nice to have your children still at home even though the oldest is already 28.

Perhaps, 28 years from now I will be able to say the same? We’ll see.

I can imagine that it’s nice to have your children still at home even though the oldest is already 28.

Truthfully it's exactly the same as when they are tiny. Some days you are so utterly grateful and thankful they are still close, safe and living at home...

Other days you wish they would join the next mission to Mars!!!

I guess we humans are not perfect and we all have our moments, right? 🙂

I don't think I actually said Congratulations in advance but I'm certain you knew I meant it lol.

Haha, yes indeed. Family is sometimes the best thing in the world and sometimes...

You choose your friends, but your not your family. They are just there, which is really good. With all their faults and failures I do still love my (extended) family, because they are my family and I belong with them. We all need to belong.

So how am I going to celebrate lockdown. I am quite feeling so happy thinking of how joyful I will be after the lockdown and possibly the end of Coronavirus.

First, I am not the kind that go out like that. I am the indoor person that spend 90% of his time in his room but this time I am tired of my house. I really want to resume to college, so immediately after lockdown, I am packing my bags out of my father's house straight.

Possibly I will find myself a girlfriend in school 😂😂😂. Yeah, I don't have one 🙊 because I am the type that don't like putting much interest in girls and don't fancy much of commitments.

I will celebrate it also in church oh, I will play my guitar, dance and dance, celebrate with folks at church maybe try getting gifts or something as appreciation for still having them around to celebrate lockdown with me.

Another one, I have never visited a cinema, I have never swim before, infact there are many things in this life I haven't done in my life. So I will make a list and begin to break those lists.

I will make the few moments after lockdown the most fun moments of my life. I hope I haven't passed 100 words like this but the thought of lockdown ending brings joy in my heart.

Thanks for this initiative. 🤗🤗🤗

Never swam, never been to the cinema. Well, I think after the lockdown you need to find a cinema in which you watch the movie from a pool! In a post-lockdown world anything is possible you know! You're only limited by your imagination! Who knows, you may find a girlfriend in there too!


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Yes! Make that list my friend. Plan for fun, enjoyment and celebration.

I will celebrate it also in church oh, I will play my guitar, dance and dance, celebrate with folks at church maybe try getting gifts or something as appreciation for still having them around to celebrate lockdown with me.

That is a really nice idea but I think your company will be enough of a gift as you seem like a nice,fun guy and you can play a guitar!!! Maybe a song would be the greatest gift, right?

the thought of lockdown ending brings joy in my heart.

Anything and I mean ANYTHING that brings joy to the heart is incredible! Go grab life, go to the cinema and if you are like me you will be terrible at swimming 😁 but go try it anyway... That what life is for.

Lol, I hope I won't be terrible at swimming. 😂😂

Thanks for the reply 🤗

There's only one way to find out, right. Go have fun exploring life Brother 😎

This is awesome! Let’s see.

We are going to celebrate the end of the lockdown by doing what we would always do prior to it: take days off during the week when the other fuckers are at work and enjoy a beach to mostly ourselves lol. We enjoy each other’s company and have fun on our own with our son so we are looking forward to when everyone else goes back to the hell to work and we get away from them. We usually spend weekends doing other things like going to a farm. We miss our empty beach during the week!

How dare those annoying shit's presume to take up room at the beach when you want it to yourself; What, do they think the beach is for public use?! poor deluded assholes! Well, at least they'll be back to work so you can get on with the serious business of beaching and having fun!


No shit! Get back to work peons! No time off for you. This is my stretch of public beach not yours.

Fence it off, put a sign up:

Mine clearing in progress.

Covid 20 discovered in sand...

Lol...Only the brave will dare to tread on COVID-20 sand!

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Going to be greedy here too and make a second one but I would love to ship the little man to a family members house for a few hours so we can have a date-afternoon.

Haha! Now that sounds like a plan dude!!!

There reallyis a refreshing quality to honesty and being true that cannot be denied, right? 😁

Lockdown isn't over until my local pub opens up and starts serving beer I've never seen before, and may never see again, unless I go a bit overboard :)

I'll also be celebrating with a holiday to somewhere warm, if the summer isn't over by then, as I've got almost a months paid leave to take before the end of the year - nice!

Lockdown isn't over until my local pub opens up and starts serving beer I've never seen before, and may never see again, unless I go a bit overboard

This is the problem you see, governments have all these weird measurements and yardsticks on when to leave lockdown...

  • Drink ten pints in 40 square foot bar packed with 897 people...
  • Not dead...
  • Rinse and repeat... It must be over.


I've done the Canaries in Autumn the last couple of years. Lanzarote was hothothot at back end of October last time we went. Damn! Those volcanic lava fields gotta be seen to be believed. Thinking the same as you though, keep it cheap and see where we can get to. Cheap is important because you always have half a mind on things may re-open and re-close sporadically for quite some time.

😀 ha! The guidelines above seem more straightforward than the Govs plans. Masks on public transport and lets get on with it I say!

Very true about the Canaries being a good end of season choice, but I am hoping we’ll be in the air sooner than October. And if there are bargains to be had cause people are worried about flying, maybe I can escape twice 😎



Public transport??? Oh wait I think I've heard of that... Is it like a carriage for the paupers?

Oh no! That just doesn't sound like my kind of thing at all... Yup October does feel like a decade away right now. I have 22 days off work which started at 7am this morning, this would normally be family holiday-time but Oh well... Gonna go on a long overdue engagement rampage instead...


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Oh yeah, a month of paid leave is always good to look forward to! Hope things open up! Where you thinking you'll go?

Yeah, I'm due a holiday ;)

Likely to be Spain - fairly cheap and pretty certain to be sunny. I've also got a sports partner to keep me on my toes, in-between beer and sunbathing :)

Are you planning anything?

You know...A month is enough time to get your ass to Australia...Just saying.

We we supposed to go to Tasmania on March for my 50th, Scandinavia in July. Scandinavia won't happen, but it looks like Tasmania is on for October provided our airline doesn't go bust (Virgin Australia) as they are in receivership. I'll be taking that aerobatic warbird flight in October. Seems a legit way to say fuck you COVID-19!

If the G-dog is going down, he's going down in a ball of flames! Lol.

lol this was really funny.

I don't have the funds to propel me to Oz this year, need some sort of crypto moon for that one :)

Tasmania is on for October provided our airline doesn't go bust

I assume airlines will still be around, likely bailed out of the shite as with so many 'essential' businesses.

Good luck!

Yes, Qantas will be around, but I paid with Virgin and it's not likely I'll see a return of funds if they don't fly as they owe billions. Oh well, lucky I'm fucking sexy...I'll just sell my body on the street corner and raise the funds to buy new tickets...I've budgeted 10 cents a pop so...Two tricks per day, 20 cents...I should be in Tasmania by 2083!

haha :)

Hmmm, now you are giving me some additional capital raising ideas......

Oh heck... I need to start reading the whole comment and not just scanning... Maybe it doesn't translate from my mind to Oz-mind but all I saw was...

Virgin... Sexy... Two tricks per day!!!

Oh wait no... I just re-read and it was exactly as inappropriate as I first imagined... Oh well... Carry on.

BTW a quote I use often from and old TV series ((Harry Enfield show))

I'm at that difficult age I'm too old to be a rent-boy and too young to be a wino...

Wow this is really nice. I love this , okay I am surely going to engage 🤗🤗🤗

Cool, I look forward to it.

A big thanks for the question and i will start by saying, I work in a town which is not densely populated and I somehow get bored staying in the town, most of the time, I leave during the weekends and return on Monday, since the lockdown started here in March, 2020. I have been with my mum in Ile Ife, Osun state and I have been staying with her. I have been very busy in our garden Planting Vegetables and also raised few Broilers chicken for her.

After the lockdown, I will definitely return to Ondo town in Ondo State, Nigeria where I work and start preparing for resumption. I am a government worker here and with the government permission, we have been home since March. I will get ready for work and I will be glad to return to work after the lockdown break. I have really missed work and my colleagues too. I am an indoor person. I will celebrate in my house with Pounded yam and egusi soup (Nigerian Delicacy) with Red wine. I will be very happy having freedom to move from one location to another and also have my work done.


Sounds good, hopefully that happens sooner, not later, and things can get back to normal.

I will get ready for work and I will be glad to return to work after the lockdown break. I have really missed work and my colleagues too.

This is awesome. I envy you for this. It is great when you actually want to be at work. I have detested my job for a longtime and hate having to go... Although I have tried to be positive about work the past 3 weeks and have noticed it has felt much better, this has surprised me a lot.

Yes my friend, it will be great to just move aroun how, when and where we choose again. It reminds us just how much we take the small things for granted in life, right?

Have a fabulous week my friend and enjoy the catchup with your work and colleagues once it is here. I am now about to go and search online to find out what egusi is of I found it... Great that means I can eat it as I am vegetarian. If anyone else wants to know they can go search for it 😁

Thanks for your comments. I can't wait to start work. It is called Egusi in my native language (Yoruba) in Nigeria and the English is Mann's cucumeropsis and white-seed melon. Regards

In either language that is a beautiful sounding food!

Thank you my friend. Hope Monday is the start of a great week for you 🙂

Excellent initiative, always nice to read you. I'll tell my crazy, fun spirit to show up to compete in your call, dear @galenkp. Have a great weekend...

Exploring as uasual mate.
Many picturesque litte farming towns here in the mountains and much history all over the place. We have only seen maybe 10% of the area since we moved here and there are vast expanses to explore.
A visit to the mountain hot springs and also a trip to Swakopmund in Namibia.
Nothing fancy, just nature, freedom and peace.

Sounds good, hopefully you're able to move about freely soon.

We take our chances here locally, but are careful to go to places where there are no people. It is just so tedious not being able to move further afield.
At least we save on petrol:)

Yes, that's a byproduct huh? We've saved on fuel and other expenses in the last few months too.

No, you guys call it fuel, the americans call it gas and call it petrol.
All the same stuff.
Glad that you guys also score a few savings!

Most call it petrol here actually, never gas though. (unless referring to LPG.)

The term fuel tends to refer to all forms of the substance including diesel and some use it, me included, but in the main petrol is the most common term. I have vehicles that take petrol (unleaded) and diesel so I generally use fuel or petrol for one, and diesel for the other when referring to it. The term gas relates to LPG here, another form of fuel altogether. I guess soon we'll all be saying power.

It'd always nice to save some money wherever we can though and prices of petrol and diesel have been the lowest for well over twelve years lately. They are on the up though now. Pre-COVOD I was paying $1.65-$1.80/L for diesel but it's been as low as $0.99/L lately.

Petrol prices are also now increasing here, but the big problem is that the government takes almost 50% of the price for a liter of petrol in taxes.
So we get much less than what we pay for.

Here's an interesting story, we discovered that a new employee at a service station was filling station was filling petrol cars tanks with diesel.
A family in a new Volvo got stuck and we stopped to help them. The guy told me that they were on the way from Cape town to a place on the east coast and the car had no problems until they stopped at the service station to fill up.
We heard the rumours about diesel in petrol cars and when I opened his petrol tank's cap, all that I could smell was diesel.

Back at the petrol station they flushed his tank and gave him a free refill of petrol along with the owners apologies.

So often we go jetting round the world chasing the best sights and most magnificent vistas but as you say there is so much to be explored within just a few miles of our own home... Crazy, right?

I believe this year may be the year when people actually learn to become explorers of their own back yard and I think that's a great thing. This also has the added benefit of helping our own local/regional economy. In a sense this is people from a region taking part in aiding their own regional recovery ((I couldn't use the word region anymore if I had tried lol))

Have a lot of fun exploring, my friend 🙂

Thank you. We have only recently moved into the area and so most things are new to us.
Being particularly fond of nature and the old little towns packed with history, it is a great province to explore.

Some miles up the road is a place called Sutherland. Isolated with no inhabitants and it is there where thry are building the SKA world planetarium. It is a joint effort that partners with the USA and Australia and according to what we know about it is that it will be the biggest on the planet.
So we are due for a visit to go and look at it.
Many attractions and little time:)

Oh my youngest Daughter and I were talking about putting a really great planetarium and observatory on the must do list earlier this week. Oh I am incredibly envious that sounds like it will be utterly stunning!

So now I must contradict my first comment a little... It is great to explore your own back yard but sometimes further... much, much further is where it's really at. It sounds like you have a lot of exploring and adventuring ahead of you, being a new resident to your area. Enjoy it my friend 🙂

Thanks for the awesome reply. More than appreciated.

Whereabouts are you guys?
We are in the Western Cape Province of South Africa and is a vast area.
Bordered by the Northern Cape that is even bigger and the Eastern Cape.
We are at the Peninsula and the Western Cape Province is at the Southern tip of the African continent.

It is good to create a habit of replying to comments here and I am one of those that always stick to it, regardlesss of the person's rep.

We are from England... We have over 70 unique types of rain... 😁

Oh wow! I can just imagine the natural, rugged scenery that is in easy reach, the wildlife too, I am a massive fan of seeing creatures in their own environment. I imagine you have a massive opportunity for photographic posts.

Update I now know you do... I did not know lichens only grew in clean air environments. We learn a lot from eachother when we form community, right?

It is good to create a habit of replying to comments here and I am one of those that always stick to it, regardlesss of the person's rep.

I do believe that is called integrity and being aligned with the very best values!

I am currently learning about the charity! I shall comment in good time, we will cross paths soon I am certain. 🙂

Hi Steven, some time has passed:)
I am also a nature nut and try to fit in an hour or two every day to get out here, there and everywhere.

Yeah, lichens are great and they have always fascinated me.

Glad that you noticed the charity, as not many do and it's my fault as I don't post often about our work. Well, not actually a fault, as I prefer not being seen as the begging type asking every day for handouts.
In fact we like to give back and that's why we have started the @combination account.
I presume that's where you saw it?

Life as you know works in funny ways and if our paths cross, so be it!

Take care!

Hello dear friend @galenkp good afternoon

Excellent initiative to create more commitment in people and what better with a creative contest.

After so many serious days of confinement, I want a little fun. As you say, we had many days to think what we will do when the running of the bulls is released.

I need a little fun, so I plan to visit a friend in Scotland, I found out that over there, they have a lot of fun in the squares, they target the Dog-Man crushing their balls.

This sounds very interesting, so that's the plan for this weekend.

I take the opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend

A trip to Scotland sounds good! Hopefully you can make it happen soon.

...they target the Dog-Man crushing their balls.

This reminds me of a really bad dream I had once...

When you are in Scotland... England is just next door, so pop over and say Hi I would be incredibly happy to see you and tell you just how amazing it is to see you everywhere in this community right now. Your engagement has been noticed and is what we need here!

Congratulations on being an inspiration for others to follow here. Have an awesome end to your weekend and a spectacular week to follow my friend 🙂

Hello dear friend @ stevenwood you are a lovely being. I came from visiting your blog and I loved what I saw congratulations.
Thank you very much for your kind words, they are a source of enormous motivation,
This is very committed to Hive, because it is what has happened to me the best in the last two years

I wish you a prosperous week dear friend

Thank you for the awesome response my friend, it is very much appreciated 🙂

It is a wonderful thing when we find something we really like to do. Much of the things we do in life are because we must do them but when we choose to do something that brings us joy, interaction and friendship that is genuinely fulfilling. Fabulous to meet you my friend. 🙂

It is a real pleasure dear friend @stevenwood
Stay safe, we are reading.

You too Brother. Have an amazing week. Take good care of you and yours from me and mine 🙂

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During lockdown - no beach no swimming.
I will celebrate life with the rise of the sun out of the beautiful Ocean. Feel the soft caress of the golden sand under my feet. Lie basking in the sun feeling the rays infuse my body with energy. Run with exuberance, hand in hand, with hubby into the surf feel the invigorating cold water splash onto my skin. Dive into the waves tasting the saltiness of the ocean. Wait for a big swell and ride the wave till it spits me out on the beach and shout: "we are free!"

It seems the beach is a popular theme.

Yes it's my life. We stayed almost a 1000km from here, would not have seen much of the beach. That is why we decided to move to this sub-tropical paradise.
Thank you for replying.

I have spent a lot of time paying attention to the sunrise and sunset of late... Maybe I am being a contemplative soul in my older age, it really is the greatest show on earth...

But only if we take a moment to stop and really notice it... Then we think... Wow! How come everybody isn't in awe of this right now? We see what we choose to! 🙂

To celebrate the end of lockdown or shall I say to prepare for the end of Lockdown. I will stack more food and print a big tarpaulin position it in front of our gate saying "Yahoooo! We are Finally Free. On for a long vacation and won't be back until 2021" just to keep visitors and credit collectors away and lock myself in. 👀

For the credit collectors a big dog may be more effective! But the idea of a vacation to end all vacations sounds frikkin' epic!

Hmmm I like the idea of being locked in! haha 😁

Hi all!
After this closure, the first thing I will do is go to the beach for at least a week. I'm already green for being locked up for so many months, just watching television, cleaning the house, planting in the garden, cooking, eating and talking with friends, and that's it. I get tired, I need to swim, enjoy the sunsets and travel, travel where the coronavirus does not exist ... lol

You must have a very clean house! Hopefully you get to go to the beach soon and can start to enjoy normal life again.

Hahaha, happy day @galenkp, yes that's right, thank you very much, I hope that happens soon and return to normal
