Ripples in the pond

in OCD4 years ago

I've been feeling a little off-colour lately; A combination of life-stresses and that I've been pretty-much locked down like the rest of the world I guess. We're allowed to move about a little still although have been advised to stay home as much as possible so I've spend the lest few days doing that. I haven't minded so much as I have plenty to do, but it's left me feeling a little disconnected from the real world...It's wide open spaces that make my heart sing after all.

There's always online connection although for me that's a fairly limited opportunity as my only social media is hive. I chat or text with friends of course, but there's only so much of that I can do, so hive it is.

I'm not one to do platform-oriented posts very often; I just don't know enough about it and am reluctant to look like a fool by simply regurgitating someone else's hive-related post, thoughts or opinions like so many do. What I want to bring up though is the E-word.


I've read a few posts from people lamenting the lack of engagement within hive and whilst it's still new and finding its feet I think we could certainly have more engagement around the place. Don't you?

There are a couple of initiatives going around at the moment being the what does hive mean to me and hive introduction concepts that many people are posting about; Great concepts for sure, and designed around promoting hive into new markets and across other social media I suppose.

I get it, and agree...However, in my opinion, we need those masses we attract to hive to have something to see when they come over...I mean great content and a healthy and thriving community full of engagement between its members.

I'm not trying to indicate those concepts are not valuable to the blockchain...They are very valuable indeed, just that I'd like to see a lot more engagement between users as well; I think it's engagement that inspires people to create more content and engage themselves...It's like throwing a pebble into a pond I think, the ripples push outwards.

This is a social place. A place we can come to interact with others, learn and develop plus offer our own opinions and thoughts.

Some open up in a very personal way, others share their knowledge and skills and others keep us entertained with their humour and creativity, just a few ways hive connects us...It's that connection that brought us here from other places, that saw us band together and fight for our community with passion and pride and which ultimately lead to hive's creation.

It's the connection we have that will help us grow our community together, to seek and embrace new features and opportunities...New people too...That can only happen through great content and engagement. I don't just mean engagement in reply to a comment left on ones own post, but replies left on other people's too! It's that two-way interaction that will build relationships, each person's brand and the hive itself.

I understand this is a difficult time for many, the world is hurting through the virus situation, but it's also an opportunity to connect like never before, to engage whilst we have all this time on our hands...Come on, I know your movements are inhibited, the whole world's is! What better time than now to engage?

I don't know, maybe I've got it all wrong and have completely missed the point...But to me hive makes me think of bees, of individuals connected by a common goal and desire...Is that not what we are?

So, throw a pebble or two in the pond and watch the ripples; You never know how important your comment could be to someone else.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well


Carona has kill a lot of engagement, personally I find the monthly meet up’s very motivating.

Yes, the face to face meetups are good.

I can't see them happening again any time soon. Discord chat went well. We had 7 or 8, one Tasmanian and an expat in Cambodia.

Cool...I would have joined in the Discord thing but it's not really my thing...I would probably have sat there all but mute.

Hive will pickup, when you have a place you can leave your thoughts without being trolled, people will come.

...ponds and ripples, its sometimes hard to see the result of your ripple - and thus consider, what is the point...slightly related, when I was a kid I use to try and skim rocks across the water. If I could get 6 bounces it made real difference to my confidence for that day.

Yes, I think these days people aren't interested in building genuine things over time, prefering the instant paydirt of a like on Facebook for instance, rather than a solid person to person relationship.

There’s a lot of dust that has to settle, and now when everyone is feeling rather shellshocked, it’s time to reach out (elbow bump?) and re-connect with people here again.

The community essentially halved, with people wanting to stay on the other chain and some being cut out of Hive altogether. Trust is shattered and you know how long it takes for people to trust again, if at all.

But for those that have switched over, I have been giving them very warm welcomes and hope that they will encourage their friends to try the waters on this side.

Elbow bumps all round huh? Lol.

What a beautiful place!

Yes, it certainly is...Land of the long white cloud. New Zealand. I took this image from the shore of Lake Wakatipu, Queenstown.

IMHO it’s always been our greatest weakness, a sweatshop economy. While FB killed comments on many sites around 2013/15, this chain has had an above average engagement rate (not comparing to older communities who had years to build). But too often it’s been something which was driven by a return, an economical return.

It’s not only a bane for dapps, also for creators.

And we’ve seen the same when it comes to promotion. Luckily #posh found a way to counter the lack of those social updates. And just like that ENGAGEMENT also improved the situation. Without those it seems many have forgotten what should have become habits, not ROI engines. It’s rather sad to realize tbh.

People prefer dumping links in discord channels no one checks (due to volume) than to make this place known around the world and achieve main adoption.because they don’t like the long road, just the upvotes they want.

I agree with all you say, there's not much I could add really but I hold the hope that engagement will come and that people realise that through engagement comes relationships and through relationships comes rewards...Not just the financial ones either.

Thanks for commenting.

Thanks for commenting.

I’m as guilty as charged. I’m an absolutely horrible networker. Can’t send ENGAGE yet, maybe in some weeks.

Yeah the ENGAGE was fun to hand out...Hopefully we can do so again.

We're all guilty of not engaging as much as we should...If we made a little more effort, all of us, it would be a really vibrant engagement-culture I think. It'll come, we just all gotta set the example. Pebbles in the pond style...

I did the important thing. <---- See that? It's a comment. Made it myself. It's for you. Hope you like it.

It has made my day nonames! 🙂

That's why they call me The Eighth Day of the Week.

Haha! I never knew that but it makes perfect sense. Now I hear it.

They don't call me that. I just made it up to sound cool.

And cool you sound. No doubt at all.

That's why they call me Cool Vibrations.

It's all about that social but it has always taken second place on Steemit and now seemingly on here.

I am hoping that as it's early days and when this Covid thing is behind us it will pick up. Although you would think that people don't have much to do so it should be up anyway. Who knows!

I would have thought engagement would be up with the lockdowns etc. Let's hope it picks up. Hope you're doing well.

Cabin fever, but that kind of fever I don't mind. Hope you two are bearing up also.

I think the absolute killer thing for engagement and to make the platform moon would be a mobile app with notifications. It would have to be a swish minimalist thing that people enjoyed using.

But it's the big thing that will forever hold us back, that being the older generation that have a lot of influence here are of the Reddit generation (even Reddit has an app and it's good!) And they don't ever see past desktop.

Desktops dead baby!

Yeah, I think a lot will go stir crazy.

I think a good mobile app would be great...Everyone is on their phones these days...I mainly use my laptop for posting as it is almost impossible to do on my phone (Samsung S9) although I used Partiko a few times. Notifications would assist in engagement too.

Let's hope someone rolls it out.

I've got an S9!! It is a bit tough to post on it but I mostly do. If I get there laptop out the kids go bananas to get a shot, grr!

Snap! Phone brothers... 😂

I use my phone sometimes...It's slow though, and I rarely have the time to waste so the MacBook gets the job. I don't have kids to commandeer it so it works out. Lol.

I was eyeing up a new laptop before all the shit hit the fan. I think now I have spent all my proposed laptop money on fucking food. Grr.

Ah, the wonders of life!!

Agree, interaction and promoting our wonderful hive to others is key to success. Many folks may be hesitant to commit with all the recent drama. In addition to interacting with our known and "usual suspects", we need to be sure and welcome the newbies by upvoting folks in the introduce yourself tag and helping them feel the love.

Here in the U.S., it looks like we just took over the number one slot for infections over China. We now have over 104K. The good news is that China has been leveled at about 81K now for over a week, with over 75K of those recovered. I wish more folks would stop listening to the media hype. It's "just" another version of the flu that goes around each and every year, and true to that it's already ramping down. Just as it has in China, you will see the other countries start ramping down as well. Yes, some people will die, and yes it makes sense to do VOLUNTARY social distancing, but the panic and media hype, and business shutdowns will cause more deaths by suicide, homicide, and other than the flu would have. This flu will have less deaths than many past illnesses, but much more collateral damage. Am just looking forward to it being over for the most part in a few weeks and people realize it for what it was and get on with their life.

Yes, welcoming the new people warmly is very important, engaging with everyone is so important.

I agree with you on the virus thing and there's not much to add really. People are pressured and are reacting accordingly with people's usual behaviour magnifying or changing completely...Not always for the worst, but often so.

I hope you are staying safe and coping with the new reality.

Things will probably pick up once people get used to the new location/thing.

Yes, it'll take some time. We all need to lead by example though, like you do. ✅

In fairness, engagement is a pretty big job XD

Upvotes are stupidly easy, and very much like all those other likes if you pay zero attention to silly pointless things like voting mana and rc and whatever and just mindlessly bang it every time you see something that kind of makes you smile or if you recognise the name of a friend.

Comments on the other hand, well you actually have to read/look at the main thing (whether it's the root post or any comments you may also be replying to), and then you have to formulate the reply, and bang on your keyboard, and if you're anything like me you're then checking for speelig errors (I'm awesome at making them when using my phone or having said phone "correct" my spelling/grammar which is a problem when I actually want to speak fyn which often involves a lot of phonetic spelling and deliberately mangled grammar XD), stressing over what you've just typed and how it's going to be received and if you've made your meaning as clear as possible while knowing that anyone reading it is going to read whatever the hell they want no matter how clear you try to be (if you're arguing about something) XD

Why yes I do get anxiety attacks when engaging which is why most of my comments are stupid nonsense ones and why any substantial writing is fictional XP

And that entire process can take minutes which doesn't sound like much until you're going through your feed taking minutes to read and minutes to comment and suddenly you realise you've been on hive for 12 hours x_x (well it's probably been ~12 hours cumulatively by now, I've been spending a lot of time simultaneously progblogging and working and proof reading, and not cleaning x_x and I haven't even left that many comments today yet or gone off the following feed, still got community feed and favourite tags to fight through, least I don't have to jump between here and steem now as following feed is pretty dead/cross posting on steem and I'm too lazy to do the tags or even tribes ;-;)

So yeh much easier to upvote and run XD

Damn those speelig errors huh? Lol.

Yes, engagement is a lot more difficult in reality that in concept; I agree moist kompleetli wyth thayt. Bloody speelig errors again... I think it's important though and so I do it when possible.

Upvoting and running is ok too when time doesn't permit a more deeper engagement. I've been there done that, will do so again.

Anyway, gud luc with your speelig erra ishu.

Lol. Have a good night Ry.

in a word it's a bloody weird time, we locked down over 3 weeks ago due to Annabelles helath challenges, im just glad we filmed so much last year that way the channel continues to receive daily content,

luckily we have the garden and orchard and its been nice doing more in there, digging, weeding etc, loathed to mow as it'll all shoot up :|

stay safe friend

Yeah, I feel ya! An odd time to go through...Not for a hundred years has the world faced this...Spanish flu 1917/18.

I hope you guys are doing well with your lockdown, keeping positive and busy.

We are, yup - fully locked down, mind you the C124 Merc is well underway at the restorers we heard today, which is awesome news, the GTI is next, stay safe :)

Always good to find some productivity during lockdown.... Especially if someone else is doing it! 😂

A UK couple hiking were tracked by police drone and charged with breaking lockdown rules......

I instantly thought of You 2 when i heard that story....!! Are You locked down that severely where You are....!?!?

Ride along Sunday Drive in progress....--->

We're not on enforced lockdown but can only move about in groups of no more than two which is enforceable. It's the same here as everywhere else mainly. I think we'll be in forced lockdown within a week.

Things aren't going well here mate, not just overall but for us. I've taken a pay cut with the prospect of being put off altogether looming large. Faith is not earning much now as she has a client-based income and the customers aren't coming in. Tough times ahead mate.

We hope you're going well...Just the other night Faith said, how's your truckie mate in Florida...I said he's mad as a cut snake! Lol...Nah, I said you're still working but assume things are just as bleak for you there as anywhere else.

Hope it clears up soon and happy days can return huh?

I have Faith it will....

No wait, You have Faith....

I have Kelly.... LoL

I fear the violence that may fire up. As soon as the monkeys (gangs) in the zoos.(big cities) Start flingin' their poo. All hell will break loose. Like the wild fires. It will spread quickly. (no racism intended, just reality)

Looting, (food rioting) and the new mental illnesss of "Kill Whitey."

I fear the worst, but hope for the best. We will know soon......

I agree with you mate, completely. Civil unrest. They are ramping up restrictions here because people still aren't doing the right thing.

Naysayers: Civil unrest won't happen...

The same people who never thought they would have trouble getting toilet paper and live to see almost the entire world locked down.

People are idiots...Oops, I mean sheeple are idiots.

I hope things will improve soon and that Faith and I come out mostly unscathed, you guys too...But fuck man...It's not looking good.

Ride along program livestream. Bookmark it. You may even see some civil unrest, or hear a mild turets outburst from me...

Headlong into it bro, we are survivors..!!

We are! Stay safe mate...