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RE: 1095 + 1 - G-dog's journey

in OCD4 years ago

You are right, man! I think if someone wants to be on hive for a long time, he has to enjoy the process. You spot on that when you said,

I understand, it's the nature of this place that most will never click those links above and read the thousands and thousands of words there. Who really cares about what the old G-dog says anyway?

I believe we have a habit of swiftly move our thoughts. I am here for community. People who actually belong to each other. I think Hive must thrive on communities. I have seen many people earning a good amount of hives here, and still they get lazy to engage. Finally they are not here for months now. This is important question, Do we enjoy here? Otherwise our journey won't be longer.

And to enjoy we need to engage with like- minded people. I hope I could make sense. Your writing is straight out of your heart and so do my comment.



Hi there. Yes, I agree many get rewarded for simply writing a post, and often it's not a very good one. I think that's one of the issues with the curation initiatives; The pay out on posts and that's what new users look for, they don't pay out on engagement. If they did I think we wold see a lot more engagement here.

For me it's a little of both. I reward the posts, but I need to get some engagement too. Lazy-engagers don't get far with me, I simply don't engage and so will never visit their posts.

It takes all kinds of users. People like me who write knowing few of those words will ever be read, and others who post a blurry image of a bowl of soup and get paid for it. It's the nature of it. I need to be content with what I do as it is a reflection of who I am and whilst most don't know me here, I know me and cutting corners, getting something for nothing, is not my style.

Thanks for your comment here. I appreciate it.