My introduction post - @henie

in OCD2 years ago

my hive.jpg


profile My name is henie Hive private keyI created my hive account with the account name @henie Hive private key, I am a native betawi jakarta person, living with parents in Bogor. My daily activities in addition to being a student I am also a mechanic in an air conditioning workshop. I was introduced to this hive by

I have today enrolled in hive and also introduced myself, not much understanding hopefully can get a lot of useful information for myself to develop in the digital world.

Introduce my name henie vihey my age 23 years I was born on October 10, 1998, I live in bogor more precisely

My mechanic's job is also to attend one of the campuses in the dibogor.

My hobbies besides liking seblak I also like to play clutch bike, swim, play basketball etc.

My talent interest in becoming an antusian makeup and also my pent-up talent to become a writer

Hopefully with hive I can develop my pent-up talent, with my posts that tell me about my daily life and all the activities I go through.

I ask for his guidance from seniors who understand better, hopefully can guide me to learn more and tell my friends to use hive.

Thank you


Welcome henie!
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Welcome to hive @henie 🤝.

welcome to hive @henie .

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