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RE: 1095 + 1 - G-dog's journey

in OCD4 years ago

A very pleasant read. Congrats on the 4 year anniversary. On this blockchain this seems like ancient times, but really it is only a short window of time. And becoming orca within 4 years.., I could live with that :)

Both you and your brother are a breath of fresh air amidst the “will bitcoin now go up”-posts and when moom/lambo, what will you do when you are rich etc.

I personally enjoy the creation of something that is valued by some and then getting some reward for it. The very tangible sense of growth is what has kept me here. This is a new account for an experiment to show how quickly one can grow without investing fiat money. My main account is @elbrava. I think I’ve been here about 2,5 years or so.



I am glad other people are experimenting here. I also have an alt account which I am currently running an experiment with; The results should be out this week.

I'm not into the bitcoin and bullshit posts, I mean there's a place for them, but I wish they were in a community somewhere. I get it, that's the type of people that were first attracted here, but it's transgressed from there into a genuine social media where people what to hear about people, not endless posts about the block chain itself or whatever. There is room for all, but we need to be pushing content with personality, the personality and passion of the writer.

becoming orca within 4 year

Actually three...I am now into my fourth. :)

Have a nice weekend, and thanks for your comment. All the best with your experiment. Running two accounts is hard.


Yeah it looks like the bitcoin/blockchain development posts have pushed other topics into communities and tribes.

I’ll look out for that post about your alt-account then.

And wow, orca in 3 years! That is very well done. You must have been creating stuff that people like to read 😊


must have been creating stuff that people like to read

Well, it's all on my posts feed so you can see every one, some have been rewarded more than others, but all are a small part of me in words.

Success here, gaining consistent votes is as much about relationships as it is about quality content which is why I am always trying to promote engagement, outbound-engagement with depth. In my opinion it is the only way to get consistent votes that isn't a circle-jerk or some kind of reward-pool scam. Just my opinion.

I'll get that post done, which unsurprisingly is about engagement.

Thanks for responding.

That is indeed what it is. Engagement is the key. The only long term one!

I’m looking forward to that post 😉

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