What is a Healthy Dose of Paranoia?

in OCD3 years ago (edited)


Lexico.com defines paranoia as an unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people or their actions.

As a member of my family, I think a trait that everyone has is that we are all very suspicious people, we expect the worse from people and we always feel like everyone has an ulterior motive and while reading this you might think that we aren’t trusting because of our paranoia which might be true.

I think our paranoia has made life very interesting and boring at the same time because when we watch movies and series together, you would always hear suggestions on who the bad guy or the murderer is and trust me that we never get it wrong, also when you introduce a partner or friend to my family, they would always know who would screw you over and it does get annoying when they tell you the “I told you so”.

I was having a conversation with a friend a few days ago and we were talking about being cheated on and I told him that well, I always know when I am being cheated on for some reason and he simply said that maybe it was because the person I was with had changed but it wasn’t quite that, I think my paranoia makes me very observant and it is easy to find something when you are searching for it.

Now as much as I would love to say our paranoia is all good and it has made us spies and all that, there is a lot of sadness and distrust that comes with being paranoid because it is so hard to trust even the people you should and it is so sad when you figure out that you were right about a person or situation.

Most people in my family would always say we aren’t paranoid and that we are just good judges of character which is plausible but what differentiates this line?

I think having a healthy dose of paranoia is one of those impossible things that cannot be achieved because when you start having suspicions and you find out that you were right, it can hardly stop.

At this point in life, I am still trying to balance trust with my paranoia because I know that I wouldn’t be changing anytime soon but I would still love to see the good in people instead of the bad most days.

What do you think about the phrase "a healthy dose of paranoia? Is it possible to have a healthy dose?

Definition of paranoia

Thank you for opening this box of passion.


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The way I see it, paranoia is like an exaggerated form of doubt and mistrust. I don't know whether or not a dose of it is healthy but it's natural with every human. That speck of doubt will always be there. It's instinctive.

The danger lies in when it becomes too much. We begin to see lies where truth is and consequently lose good friendships. Usually, I try to see the good in people to start with...later on, the not-so-good part will show up in their character some how. 🙂

Usually, I try to see the good in people to start with.

I want to do this, see good instead of bad in people but most days I can't

I have always been and always will be paranoid. I have very few trust tokens and I give them out very sparingly. It would take an act of God for me to be able to be in a relationship. Hahaha. I have very few friends and very small family (that I DEFINITELY do not trust). I'd say that my thoughts are less 'unhealthy' and more 'abnormal'. I have decent health, I'm working toward building wealth, but I just can't get past my paranoia and distrust. I don't think it makes me scary or bad. At least I hope it doesn't, lol.

I totally understand you, it gets that way with me also.

Good points, I thought I was paranoid myself but in my case, my problem is limited as long as I am in my office or dealing with my juniors! Sometimes they give me reasons to believe that they were not honest or serious about their job. No, nothing else makes me suspicious at least about relations.

If they are giving you reasons to believe they weren't honest or serious then they probably weren't so it is normal to be suspicious of them.

A good one you have here, I decided to trust against all odds, If you cheat its up to you and by fate my goddess will fight you 😁😂..
Been suspicious adds more anxiety as I will keep waiting and looking for the moments to confirm my thoughts. If it lingers then I stay with anxiety for long..

I only learn to let loose and live freely exchanging bad company with good ones all the time.

This made me laugh so much, your goddess will indeed fight.

I think I need to work on this mentality, to be honest, it seems more carefree than I live.

I think everybody has some level of paranoia but striving to focus on the positive is the best way to be

As to what is a healthy dose f paranoia I am not sure I have an answer

I found my way here via #dreemport

Exactly, the goal is striving to focus on the positive.


This takes me back to when my cousin showed me her boyfriend who's now ex. I immediately disliked him and i warned her. She didn't listen. Somehow i just knew it would be bad. Fast forward and that's what happened. Also, a girl we called friend, i also warned but as usual we learn from mistakes.

I wasn't always like that though. I guess, when life deals with you, you tend to be observant and cautious. Thanks for sharing

I always have these same issues with friends and they never listen so I just mind my business.

Truly you become observant when life has dealt you a bad card.

A healthy dose? Hmmmm... I don't know about anyother person, but I consider mine healthy.


Because it have saved me from alot of headache. I see the shady stuff and ulterior motive that are buried with sweet words and I can play along if need be.

But the best part for me is that when everything becomes clear, it doesn't comes as a surprise. The "I told You" and stuff like that rather brings a weird smile on my face.


Because i already saw it coming so, playing along and whatnot shows that I'm in control.

The thing is, I enjoy studying about people and their psychology and co. That's probably why I think that I have a healthy dose of it.

I think yours isn't bad either. Just enjoy it. Hehe

Got here via @dreemport

I think even though it saves us from a lot of headaches, it is still a problem being suspicious of everyone, you get?

Haha... I get it. It can be a problem. But for me, I don't have issue with that.

I'm actually working on being more specific on how I read people.

Specific how?

My husband would say " Life is easy for the observant" and "if you only go looking for bad, you will always find it". Human beings are flawed. We are not perfect and therefore we all have mistakes in our past and in our present. But being imperfect does not necessarily make us bad people. It makes us human. If you have been burned once too many times then it is only natural to have a healthy dose of paranoia and be more wary and cautious of the motives and intentions of others, but we must balance this sense of mistrust, or we may never allow the true goodness within others to shine through their human flaws.

This is so true, your words really show a lot of wisdom.

Thank you.

Always good to be cautious.

Yes it is

hahahaha i have to agree - sometimes the fear is justified!!! and then you're glad for it! hahahaha

I think it's always a good idea to have a healthy dose of CAUTION. let's use that word :)

because paranoia (in your definition above) states that its unjustified. meaning - its an overreaction. So I'd say in this case - words matter! hehehe

I'm also like you though- always finding out who the killer is - or the guilty one is hahahahaha every movie - 20 minutes in, I know who did it LOLOLOLOL

thanks for this post that not only got me talking but also got me intrigued to meet your paranoid family hahahahahahaha

@kemmyb shared this post on PYPT today and thats how I found it :)

Ouu, I like the phrase healthy dose of caution, I would be using it instead and you are welcome to meet my family, they are a weird bunch though so be prepared.

I am so happy you were intrigued reading this and thank you @kemmyb for sharing.

ROFL i love weird - i would fit in well with them hehehehehehehehehe

and yes - you can certainly use that with pride! hahahaha you have my stamp of approval 😄

Then you are officially invited.

I will bring some of my delicious dumplings for all to eat!

hahahahahaha (i just did a post on it the other day and everyone is salivating hahahahaha)

I would be checking it out so I can also salivate

My dad and I are probably the most paranoid people I know and I can't say if it's healthy or not. It's a learned trait on my end because I grew up around my dad and he terms it as 'caution'. It can be limiting in certain aspects of life but my paranoia has saved me from trouble one too many times.

I think it saves us a lot but it also limits us a lot.

I guess the balance is what we need.