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RE: newhivers in Bulgaria

in OCD4 years ago

It's Awesome You Do This!
I say it here everyday - this (and trading in general) should be taught in school to children. It would give them a chance, and modify their thinking in this direction. Sadly it is not.
Keep up "The Good Work"!
Wish You a Great Upcoming Week!


It should be thought about in school that's for sure.
But all they want Is to have not educated society.
Thanks have a good week too..

Namaste 🙏

Absolutely, if You can keep people away from the idea they can do something other than work (labor for them...).
It seems they are against it,
Very bad, as we are building the blocks if the future, "right now"!
Thanks and as always,
the best!

Absolutely ;)
People are just like work work work...

My grandma keeps on asking me if I’m not going to work...
How can I explain to her that I’m not going to with that great of a technology we have here ;)

Namaste 🙏

I know what You mean!
I know a few who do not understand what I do
because it is not "tangible" - means
That's why It's great what You do with the children!
Have to get it out there!
Have an Awesome Day!

Absolutely ;)
You too have a good one ;)

Namaste 🙏

Always and You Too!
Have a Great Mid-Week!