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RE: Gender Equality, Sexual Harassment, or a load of S**T?

in OCD4 years ago

Political correctness and all that incumbent BS, is the thin end of cultural marxist wedge - in an attempt to promote 'right think'. (a la Orwells, 84).

Equality is a concept, not a reality. Mutual respect can be a reality.

'We' , all of us, have been brought up in a paradigm that's not in sympathy with natural norms, but more of a psychological experiment being played out on us.
An intellectual, sociological, experiment.

Corrupting reality is an essential part of the communist doctrine, for it ever having a chance to work. (communism being installed in the west since WW1, just under the falsely named guise of 'free market capitalism').

Political correctness didn't 'just happen', it was engineered by the leftists entrenched in academia.
The concept of equality (not mutual respect) being part of the same twisted attempt to force a square peg (intellectual leftism), into a round hole (reality).

People are now waking up to the wool that's been pulled over all our eyes for this last century.
Truth and reality will always win out, it's just that it can take a while sometimes. Unfortunately.
The price of the time it takes to get there, is broken homes, divided families, purposeless lives, mental illness, and financial hardships.

On the upside, the speed of it's collapse will be a 1000x quicker than the speed of it's construction.


From everyone on Hive, your response to this was rather perdictable,but no less valid 😀

lol.....I was gonna start with coke fueled after parties, but was in a serious mood..

the days of me attending parties like that are a distant memory now, but good memories all the same, I may have taken some by surprise with that 🤣

Mine are probably not quite as distant as yours, but fading...

(did you ever slum it 'the shaft'-shaft- , btw, after pod?)

Lol yes

you must know the bar guy (upstairs) then, Ken? - looked bit like rob lowe -bodybuilder.
(not gay, but eye candy for the punters. lol)

Not that I recall - are u suggesting just cos he is hot i should remember him???????? 😂😂😂😂