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RE: Unbelonged for this world

in OCD3 years ago

The ratio to remember is 500:1.
On average there are 500 citizens for every armed state employee, (many who are feeling exactly as we do)

Yes, they have unbridled surveillance powers; but the information and firepower asymmetry has never been smaller.

How many flash drives out there, with copies of the names, IDs, home addresses and phone numbers, of every policeman, soldier, politician and prison guard?

The state as a concept, is on the cusp of collapse. All it has left is bravado.


I agree and disagree - because in order to enact what you suggest, people will have to rise up and do what they don't want to at least currently do. If we get to the point they are willing to do it, we are in such a state that what is left is going to be a dystopia in and of itself. Perhaps it is the only way.

I'm not talking about a violent revolution. They just change bums on the throne. I mean the state as a superstition, just going away because people stop believing in it. When beliefs become too expensive to maintain, they just kinda go away.

Oh, I agree with this. i think that economic revolution is the only way out and it has to be done using a system that requires evaluated activity to get in - where the people choose what holds value. The systems are here.

How many flash drives out there, with copies of the names, IDs, home addresses and phone numbers, of every policeman, soldier, politician and prison guard?

^ This

One big leak like that, and being armed in service of the state will be so ridiculously dangerous, that very few will be willing to do it and the whole thing will grind to a halt.
Even if nothing happens to any of them. (Which would be my hope; there's been enough violence).

I also have no desire for violence, just disarming/defunding/etc. In the US at least the police are under public scrutiny like they've never been before and states are passing legislation that either limits their powers or makes it easier for civilians to sue them for abuse.

I'm sure you're familiar with BlueLeaks… a fine example of what is possible.