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RE: Even in your own home

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

I had a really annoying convo with the doctor's receptionist on the phone when I was phoning about my son who has a cough and a fever.

You will have to get him tested

I did, yesterday. He is negative, so are we.

So what's wrong with him?

He has a bad cough and a high fever.

A fever and a cough? You will need to get him tested.

I did, yesterday. He is negative

You will need another test today then.

I was like, oh funking forget it.

Super annoying.


That space-time-continuum round about makes me bonkers dude.

It is insane. Corona is the answer to everything.... @preparedwombat must be unhappy as it was 42.... :D

Covid-chan is the justification for many control mechanisms they've been itching to implement for a long time. #overit

It really does. Groundhog Day is the new world order!!

New World order. Not long ago that would have sounded like a line out of a sci-fi book. Now? We're living it.

We are. The world has changed and it ain't for the better.

It's even difficult to detach from it with all the check-in apps and standing on X's we have to do. Control measures. I hate it.

They have stopped a lot of it here now. Which though I hate it also with the case numbers rampaging up again removing them makes me feel insecure!

Never happy.

It's like they found the Dr. Suess book of pandemic management.

Fucken nutbags.

What's wrong with you?

My arm is cut off at the shoulder and I am bleeding profusely.

Get a Covid test.

It seems to be the answer to the universe!

OMG. You didn't have him tested?? :))

I will just trot off and get it done again!! ;OD