In the midst of the Covid-19 Plague, farmers continued to carry out their activities

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


Corona virus pandemic that has spread throughout the world has a wide impact on all sectors of people's lives, including in Indonesia, especially in the economic field. Many people lost their jobs, closed their businesses, and some even survived abroad for various reasons. Therefore, to survive, people have no choice but to keep working as usual. As we know, Indonesia has vast agricultural land in various regions.



In the midst of the epidemic outbreak of the Corona virus to this day, then, we can be sure that the problem of food will become a very important issue for the survival of the people in Indonesia. Now, to answer the food problem amid the current Covid-19 pandemic. Currently only in the agricultural sector can guarantee food security in the country of Indonesia to deal with the situation as it is today.



In the midst of the epidemic outbreak of the Corona virus to this day, then, we can beAs you can see in this picture, a number of farmers are doing activities in their own rice fields. According to one of the farmers I interviewed. When the harvest time comes, the rice is immediately sold to collectors. Well, right now, because the World is in an uproar, a corona virus is plaguing the whole world. Farmers no longer sell their crops. But it was kept for consumption during the Covid-19 Pandemic which did not know when it would end.



Here are some pictures I took a few days ago, when I visited a farming village in my area. Through this post, I hope that Corona Virus will soon end worldwide.


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Locations : ALL Images Taken With Canon M100
Locations : Aceh, Indonesian
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I loved your reply on my post, I will try to keep up with what you are doing. Sorry it takes me so long to reply, I wanted to reply in Indonesian but my level is still too low! I am learning more about Aceh thanks to Hive, everyone I knew before was from the big centers.

I'm glad you like it, I'm also a photo journalist in local media in my area. And I talked a lot about community activities in my area. Thank you for taking part in the activities that I do. No problem, you are late to answer. I also apologize for being late to reply to your comment, because I was at the top of the mountain to camp for two days with my friends.