Being Single Should Be A Choice, II.

in OCD4 years ago

...continued... from [Part 1]


Loving yourself first is the first step. You need to love yourself first, and only then can you love or accommodate another person. You can never give what you don’t have.

Life is in stages, and each stage involves a process and for each process, you will always be the ever-present figure in it. You also need to love being single, bearing in mind that it is just for a period, knowing that life is in stages. If you don’t love being single, how do you expect to love being in a relationship? Most people who don’t love being single always end up losing themselves in such a relationship because they channel all their love to their partner and when that person leaves, they are broken beyond repair. You need to love being in your own space. You need to love your “me” time, you need to love being single for now because only when you love yourself enough, can you show others how you desire to be loved.

Being single should be a choice but with the rate of happenings in our societies, it is being frowned at. Even our parents don’t help matters sometimes. They start hammering relationship and marriage into your ears the moment you clock 22 years of age. I even got to know some start hammering it into other people’s ears the minute they clock 18 years of age. With this type of action, we are moving people into a state where they would be defined by the other person.
No one should be at the mercy of the other. Being in a relationship should be by choice and not something to be forced upon us. We should go and grow through certain things. There are some problems that could have been avoided or properly handled when they eventually come but with decisions like this, we suffer more and we learn unnecessarily the hard way.

Are you single? It is just for now? Are you in a relationship that is making you unhappy? Take a moment to reflect and love yourself enough, only when you love yourself can you tell others how to love you and only then can you know how you are to love others, using yourself as a focal point. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order