Swedish epidemiologist Dr. Giesecke says: "Lockdowns are ineffective"

in OCD4 years ago

Sweden is an example

If you ask me about how to answer against the corona virus pandemic, I would say that the way Sweden is doing it, is the way to go. Even though they have higher mortality than their neighbour countries, their liberal act about not locking down the country and leaving the shops, bars, restaurants, businesses, etc... open is showing that it works. They are protecting the elderly and the weak and in the same time leave people free to work and move on with their lives as normal as possible.
Only larger gatherings bigger than 50 people are prohibited.
And you know what, the last 10 days the curve is flattening too over there, in Sweden. So that is the biggest proof their strategy is working.

Dr. Johan Giesecke

And now Dr. Johan Giesecke, epidemiologist and former head of the European centre for disease prevention and control and advisor for the World Health Organization, is saying the stuff other doctors have been saying for weeks, but been laughed at. But with his country behind him and the numbers proving he is correct he is taken more serious. So, what does he say?

  • Lockdowns are no cure, only washing hands helps, and is the only proven thing
  • 50 % of the people have probably already been infected
  • This virus will pass like a tsunami, no matter what you do
  • Covid-19 is comparable with a severe influenza season
  • Mortality rate is probably around 0.1 %

Boom, that must probably hurt for some of the so called "experts" and politicians, which have closed down their country for kind of nothing.

Interview with Dr. Johan Giesecke

I hope this person gets a real voice in all countries! Because, we are held hostage for something that is blown up out of proportion incredibly.




I agree as once the lock down is opened up again what is the point. I think the strain of the virus is dependent on the region and why death rates vary so much. If it was only 0.1 percent that would be fine but it looks more severe than that if you dig deeper into the numbers. Look at completed cases only against death rates and nothing else.

I tend to believe this man, he sure knows what he is talking about... think about it: 160000 deaths worldwide, that means 160 millions infected, sounds plausible

He is right and we all know that.

It's the matter of trust. In Sweden, government trusts its citizens and experts.

Elsewhere, the authorities don't trust anyone because they don't trust themselves. So we get the repression which is the only way they would handle themselves. Sad but true.

About the numbers. It's all about the methodology and interpretation. In the end the numbers will be similar to other seasons. If they'll admit it.

Repression never works, to the contrary, it is counterproductive

I know. But they don't know better.

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The fallacy here appears to be that people think the virus can be stopped or contained. That was never the purpose of the lockdowns. We have bought time and shown that the medical capacity is up to speed on dealing with a dangerous pandemic. The secondary effects of the lockdown may be far worse than the direct effects of the virus. Let's keep protecting the vulnerable. But let's get back to work.

Indeed, this is unstoppable, but it is comparable with a severe flu season... nothing less nothing more

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Yes it may be when some people are doing against the set guidelines.