Cancelled Internships And Accidentally Getting My Hive Post Viral On LinkedIn

in OCD4 years ago

Dear Hivers,

As you all probably know, I am a Computer Science student currently in my second year of college. Summer break is near and although I doubt if we'll even have exams this semester, I was supposed to intern at other colleges as a research intern which has now been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

As such, I now need to find somewhere else to intern and I am starting to apply to different companies. Due to the current economic situation, however, not a lot of people are looking to hire.

I have tried applying through Angellist, which is a website for startups to connect with prospective employees, but I don't think I'll have any success there. Due to the lockdown, there is too much competition and the bad economy is worse for job hunting.

The Grind Begins

So, I started lurking around LinkedIn replying to various posts in #internships and trying to network as much as I can. I joined LinkedIn a few months ago and I had gotten around 35 odd connections.

A few days ago, I had written a post on how I cracked Google Code Jam Qualifier which, albeit did not do that well over here on Hive.

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While on LinkedIn, I decided to share that post and it went completely wild as you can see above. Link to post.

As of now, it has 220+ reactions with over 15,000 views and my connections shot up from 35ish to 80+ all in a span of 5 hours. This is huge. I figure it will hit 20,000 views soon.

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That's not all. A lot of people from those 15,000 clicked the link to my post on hive. According to peakd, that post has had 800 page views and it is still increasing slowly. This, I think could be a decent way to promote hive which I will be experimenting on later on in the future.

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I did not expect that I would get such a huge response. If I had known, I probably would've shared the link instead of peakd which (no offense to peakd by the way), could have helped better in brand recognition of our beloved blockchain.


From now on, I'll try my best to share my dev posts on LinkedIn because I believe not only would it help me gain more exposure, it would also be a great opportunity to spread the word of #hive to a huge audience of developers and people in tech.

It would be like killing 2 birds with one stone. (No birds were harmed while making this post)

What do you think about using LinkedIn to promote Hive? Comment below.

That's all for today.

Read my previous posts here --



Those views.

Who needs internship when you can takeover LinkedIn?

Great job!

Haha I'd still rather have internships lol.

Can't put views on my resumé lol.

so proud of your success bro....keep going on❤️❤️

I wouldn't call it a success yet...but thanks.

Not sure how promoting Hive on LinkedIn will work, but that's an amazing job you did with getting that many interactions on LinkedIn!

I would tell you what I think about best ways to promote Hive, but I'm an engineer and we Finns suck at promoting anything, so it's best if I stay quiet.

but that's an amazing job you did with getting that many interactions on LinkedIn!

I had never shared anything on LinkedIn before. Might've just gotten lucky lol.