What Does Hive Mean To Me?

in OCD4 years ago

What Does Hive Mean To Me?

Hello Hivean
Blockchain rebirth that already has a good reputation because it is disturbed by things that are felt unacceptable certainly has its own advantages. As we realize Hive as a form of separation from the old blockchain certainly has a lot of preparation and experience. It will be very easy to develop with the struggle of fellow community members.
We can hope that Hie will succeed and become one of the mainstays in the future. We can unite with each other to form a big wave to support the Hive as a healthier platform and block, avoid discrimination, complete independence, and become a true blockchain.
This time an innovation from @theycallmedan asked us to express our opinion about Hive.


Four letters, four directions

As we all know, the Hive consists of four letters. Let's try to see all four of them as pillars in the blockchain. Before describing my understanding of the four letters, I felt that the number four is a number that can be interpreted in four directions.
I hope that with these four direction we can spread the Hive to all corners of the world so that in the future everyone can get to know the Hive and then use this blockchain. It would be a pleasure if we could then participate in spreading the good seeds of HIVE.
It is hoped that the hive can give all of us the right direction to achieve the goals we want to achieve. this becomes urgent when we realize there are circumstances where we become confused without instructions. Hive is expected to be a guide and enlightenment in the dark life of the blockchain in the future.
Nah, sekarang saya akan mencoba mengurai Kata HIVE satu persatu berdasarkan HURUF.

H is for HONOR

The first letter on the word HIVE I interpret as an honor. We know many options for interpreting words with the letter H. There are words of harmony, habitat, hatcheries, heaven or even histrionic.
I prefer the word honor because for us it will feel more important to have honor. Honor is something that can't be bought with a lot of money. Maybe our assets can be bought by someone else, but the honor will always be guarded until the last drop of blood.
I did not choose the habitat because we not only need a place to live, we need a place full of respect where all residents always respect each other.
I also did not choose harmony because in our lives there is always disharmony. It is precisely in disharmony that we can find harmony.
I also didn't choose the word hatcheries because we don't just need to be born. We were born to get honor. The honor we achieve with struggle, blood and tears will certainly make us proud.
My choice is also not heaven because I realize we are in a world that is even a virtual world. but we hope to be able to make HIVE as a means to achieve a happiness like in heaven.
If I don't use heaven then I certainly won't use the word histrionic. I want us to be able to reveal without being masked. We can make HIVE as a media that can make us truly free in the real sense without hypocrisy.

I is for Integrity

Many options for using words that begin with the letter I. However I prefer the word INTEGRITY. Didn't we know that today we are released from the word integrity in life? We know that white-collar criminals lose their integrity, so they fall into collusion, corruption and nepotism. We also see many students just to achieve good grades so as to sacrifice integrity then cheat and cheat.
Maybe at that time it looked very honorable because of the high grades but in the end we will be held accountable for all the cheating that we did. Isn't the blockchain also going to be very fanatical about cheating?
I hope as long as there is HIVE we can continue to maintain our integrity. We know integrity becomes a joint in personal life that will be highly respected. We must not be tempted by the lure of material things if we have to sacrifice our integrity.

V for Victory

We know that a struggle certainly aims to achieve victorous. Likewise, when we join HIVE, of course we will continue to fight until we reach the top and we can feel the results of our struggle. We can become content creators, developers or investors. We all must certainly support each other so that the goals we achieve will be implemented soon. We also realize that to achieve the glory that we want there must be many challenges, obstacles and obstacles. however, if we are united we will surely be able to face all obstacles and achieve success.

E is for Earn

We realize that one of the factors driving us to join the blockchain is that we can get money. We hope that HIVE can be one of the spearheads for us to gain economic value when we join. This is certainly very closely related to the price of Hive in the market. Hives will be more excited and many people join when Hive's value is stable and not too much fluctuation. Of course the stability of the Hive's price is a guarantee for everyone who hopes to get money will become more real.

How do I want Hive to evolve

I'm just a user. I always hope that HIVE will always provide organic support to all users. I hope that HIVE users who also become a large community can provide more value so that users will feel at home and stay in HIVE. I don't want people to just come to harvest the results but don't struggle with enthusiasm. At HIVE I hope that everyone will not hesitate to carry on with their activities.

With high integrity, we strive to maintain honor and achieve victory. Here we can prove ourselves with the worthiness that we take to get more value from HIVE.

Hive to DAO

Having a large fund is certainly everyone's dream. We also must have dreamed of the Hive getting large funds. if then DAO provides funding and then benefits certainly will be happiness without for anyone.
Even though I am not a developer, of course we hope for support from all parties. Maybe I'm just thinking about how I can get money and then be able to meet stake, but it will be happier when we get funding support from DAO. If in such conditions we still would agree and give our vote. With Dao, HIVE will grow better and bigger. That way we all as a community will feel greater benefits.

Hive to me

Hive for me is the future. By joining HIVE I can interact as members of a community that will support one another. HIVE has given us opportunities which of course we should not waste. At Hive the community will be able to become the engine of a machine that can change direction and policy. We have many witnesses that we can count on to benefit more all Hivean.

This post is an entry for
What Does Hive Mean To Me? Initiative. host @theycallmedan

Thank you fro reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.


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