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RE: Optical logusion

in OCD4 years ago

Looks like you're having way too much fun with that logo XD It is rather versatile isn't it.

And you bringing up the stuff with the cubes is yet another reminder (because I don't see enough of these things -_-) that they wreak havoc on my eyes as I tend to see a lot of the things you're supposed to switch between simultaneously and it's a headache (basically your little indicator people are both standing on the floor and floating in space simultaneously) XD

Ahh tech drawing class. I hated it XD Only useful thing i got out of it was learning how to do perspective lines which I hadn't been able to figure out til about then (and to be perfectly honest up to the point where I started using 3d bases instead of just drawing, I still only ever dropped them in if there were buildings involved or I couldn't do it in my head XD)


(basically your little indicator people are both standing on the floor and floating in space simultaneously)

I am able to choose which I see, which is kind of funny in some respects, off-putting in others :)

using 3d bases instead of just drawing,

I work with a lot of engineers and technical designers. The older ones that used to draw manually tend to have a better spatial awareness and understanding than those who grew on 3d only. They have a better imagination for the workings of something,. I think it is because they have had to think through the process originally, whereas the CAD programs do a lot of the thinking for you.

I'll take your word for it, I don't think I know any engineers or technical designers, I barely know other 3d artists, and the ones I do know have no problems whatsoever with spatial awareness or figuring out how things work XP

I think there is a difference in the way something is learned and remembered, physical training seems to change the perception.