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RE: Optical logusion

in OCD4 years ago

(basically your little indicator people are both standing on the floor and floating in space simultaneously)

I am able to choose which I see, which is kind of funny in some respects, off-putting in others :)

using 3d bases instead of just drawing,

I work with a lot of engineers and technical designers. The older ones that used to draw manually tend to have a better spatial awareness and understanding than those who grew on 3d only. They have a better imagination for the workings of something,. I think it is because they have had to think through the process originally, whereas the CAD programs do a lot of the thinking for you.


I'll take your word for it, I don't think I know any engineers or technical designers, I barely know other 3d artists, and the ones I do know have no problems whatsoever with spatial awareness or figuring out how things work XP

I think there is a difference in the way something is learned and remembered, physical training seems to change the perception.