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RE: The hard spiral down

in OCD3 years ago

Definitely, lots of babies are born with a 'catch up' fenotype, very interesting. Explaining them when they're adults that their 'hungry feelings' are something they should ignore (and even counter by fasting often) could help them. I study Psychoneuroimmunology and one of my fellow students is a 'catch up' person (for different reasons, but still), and she totally was able to change her relationship with food once she understood what her brain told her vs what her body actually needed.


so you think it is possible to curb this behaviour by making it a conscious act? seems to me most people dont have really the capability to do this exercise and be aware of themselves... not being a scholar i believe people dont change that much, most times out of laziness, but a great majority is not capable of changing after a point, they just oscillate but return always to the same baseline...

Yes, once you can get someone to REALLY (not vaguely, not from pop science news articles, but talking with them and for example using simple sketches to explain bodily systems to them) understand how their health can be bettered by changing behaviour you'll see changes - sometimes even small and unconscious ones after a night of sleep (solidifying the knowledge).

I don't think people are lazy, but 'not acting' out of not being given the right information. If you don't know where is the exit, you'll just run around in circles until you're tired and give up (become 'lazy') finding the exit altogether.

I studied psychology and always learned cognitive behavioural therapy, but what I'm learning now makes creating real change in people a bit easier.

I hope I'll be able to write posts about this in the future, at the moment I'm mostly overwhelmed with what I'm being taught and since English isn't my first language it will take a while before I can really write the posts I want to write about this :-)

yes i really get what you say, i always had it easy, in classes i would get to result with no study at all, doors would open in my mind when the test day came, i had this idea people all are the same i came to be very sad to understand how hard it is to make peeps see their flaws on some aspects of life, i sense im confrontational, shock therapy is my thing lol, i talk blunt and this does not win me many friends, i guess i been a bit more lenient this last few years but i always think if i try and am hard with myself, i have all the right to be with others, i do get what you say about making them see, but it really is a unproductive work for the most part, i think of it like love, because i love the person, i try to reach their inner core and strike some change, i sense if i did not care about this things i would be much richer and probably would not suffer so much, i just cant help it, i think a friend must tell you unpleasant things, there is no way to be true otherwise, taps on the back do not make people friends, wish i could turn of the empathy thing, or maybe not understand nothing of this at all, serious sometimes it is like a curse, watching people and putting them in slots with such predictable outcomes, understanding can really be a thing that makes you suffer a lot...