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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week seven: What would you do if... [Answer - Win hive!]

in OCD4 years ago

It's all bang and boom with you isn't it?

I imagine you are a very noisy lover neighbour. Always putting a shed up, building a penny farthing or trying to make a scale model of the large Hadron collider...


I made a scale model of the Hardin hadron collider! We created a small singularity which bent space-time to such a degree that it flung me back in time to the turn of the century. I quickly pretended to be satoshi nakomoto, wrote the bitcoin protocol then paid a man a pretty penny to wish me back to my own time in a delorean!!

Whew, what a day that was.

You were uhmmm trying a few for a new beer review weren't you???

Come on Boomy, what was it called, let me think, we've had trippy cake beer, Gina G's G spot and witches finger nipple ah yes I know, it was...

Tawdry tardis extra strength, right?

That sounds like a beer I could enjoy!!