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RE: ...Incoming help...The opening salve - or is that salvo?.

in OCD4 years ago's not all in vain, I've managed 12 jars of stewed tomatoes, 6 jars of salsa, 7 jars of hot peppers, 5 jars of pickles that tasted awful,(it's a work in progress sometimes), 2 jars of pickled banana peppers that were fantastic (don't ask me how I ended up with those, I was in overload on them, they were supposed to be red peppers), a couple quart bags full of frozen tomato soup, 1 quart bag of frozen tomato juice, couple bags of frozen zucchini, several bags of frozen green beans (I'd tried canning them but unless you have a pressure canner the three hours to boil was a bit much time constraint wise this year) plus there is still several tomatoes still ripening that will either get stewed or jarred as diced tomatoes, plus I had my most successful year growing green peppers this year....which the majority were either eaten or used in the salsa. I guess I am still calculating whether it was worth it all given the initial investment cost but that should come down I guess once an adequate supply of jars is had and learning cost reduction techniques from canners on the keeping a two liter bottle frozen water in the freezer to reuse to cool down tomatoes as one example, plus other tricks I haven't tried for stuff that otherwise would have gone in the waste heap, like freezing your tomato peels until you have enough to make tomato paste out of them.