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RE: ...Incoming help...The opening salve - or is that salvo?.

in OCD4 years ago

It is difficult to know that folks I care deeply for are utterly dependent on maintaining their illusions. I am trying as gently as I can - which many will suspect is not as gentle as it should be, from familiarity with my writing - to guide them to some fenestration, some window on reality, they can incorporate without shattering their will to live.

I know some people that perhaps milk their instability, but this does not make them evil. As you point out, it just makes them weak.

Facts are facts, whether they are weak or strong, and some kinda bad shit is definitely coming later this year that will disrupt their lives. It will be worse for them that do not prepare to surmount economic and political hardship, but folks that have had decades of the 'easy life' you discuss are quite impacted by normalcy bias, and may be unable to adapt to a new paradigm.

I hope to get some folks to replace flowers with vegetables, but may have to settle for them stocking up instead. Anything is better than nothing.

I am happy that my words inspire you to act.



I hate eating vegetables, but yeah, I'm stocking up on many other things!

MMMmmmm.... Broccoli!

I don't like sardines either, but I may get sick of tuna and prefer to suck down the slimy critters someday. I try not to look at them on the shelf there, with their beady little, accusing glares on the label.

I looooooove sardines - I mean like, addicted to them!

...says the guy who eats liver paste on toast, sardines do not come as a surprise.

Have I never told you about the snake blood?...or the croc.....or grubs? Locusts? Rat?
....I'll give anything a

....I always knew there was something a bit different about you. lol.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Now, if you'd said 'normal', then you would be the first real person (not bots), that I would have blocked... lol

I admit I'd have to be near starving myself.

The flak you receive for disrupting an illusion is quite....surprising, shall we say.

I'm honestly shocked by the numbers of dumbed down snowflakes inhabiting this planet.

I find the depth of their dependence on their illusions even more shocking. A Texan once threatened to punch me if I told him any more facts about Reagan and the cocaine trade. He didn't disbelieve me. He just would rather go to jail than know the truth about his illusion.

I love Texas BTW. Great commitment in it's people.

LOL...I hear ya..'s not all in vain, I've managed 12 jars of stewed tomatoes, 6 jars of salsa, 7 jars of hot peppers, 5 jars of pickles that tasted awful,(it's a work in progress sometimes), 2 jars of pickled banana peppers that were fantastic (don't ask me how I ended up with those, I was in overload on them, they were supposed to be red peppers), a couple quart bags full of frozen tomato soup, 1 quart bag of frozen tomato juice, couple bags of frozen zucchini, several bags of frozen green beans (I'd tried canning them but unless you have a pressure canner the three hours to boil was a bit much time constraint wise this year) plus there is still several tomatoes still ripening that will either get stewed or jarred as diced tomatoes, plus I had my most successful year growing green peppers this year....which the majority were either eaten or used in the salsa. I guess I am still calculating whether it was worth it all given the initial investment cost but that should come down I guess once an adequate supply of jars is had and learning cost reduction techniques from canners on the keeping a two liter bottle frozen water in the freezer to reuse to cool down tomatoes as one example, plus other tricks I haven't tried for stuff that otherwise would have gone in the waste heap, like freezing your tomato peels until you have enough to make tomato paste out of them.