I was never meant to do what I have done on Steem

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Like most people on Steem, I came here for the money. Unlike most people perhaps, I never thought it was going to be easy, in fact, I never thought I would earn anything at all, but I had to try. To cut a long story short, my family were physically in a bad way which caused a great deal of financial stress with very little respite and no way to close any gaps through additional work. So, Steem.

I have never been much of a writer and had next to zero experience writing for a public audience, let alone doing it frequently. But as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures and my measure was to call upon my experience in work, business and life to cobble together something that I hoped would connect with someone.

The funny thing is that while I didn't earn much for quite a while and never enough to help me significantly in those early days, Steem became my hobby, escape, therapy and personal development all rolled into one. Without resources in the real world, I had to make do with what was available to me, and that was Steem. I am lucky.

Some people think that I am lucky because of the votes I get that give me some value, but the reality is, that it is meaningless to me in my current world as it isn't enough to change my experience. Having said that, it means a great deal to me in regards to my future, and I covet every Steem and I am grateful for every piece of support, big or small.

No, the luck is that when I found Steem my mind was a mess due to the things running through it, without the time or energy to deal with it all. However, once I got into Steem and started writing, it started to reorder my head, align my actions with goals and develop a state of flow, on and off the blockchain.

While the stress of life didn't reduce, my ability to cope with it increased. This is much like any financial position where one needs extra money. While most will look to see where they can scrimp and save, others will look to see where they are able to generate more income. While I did need the income, what I really needed was additional energy and processing my thoughts and clearing them so as to move on more efficiently, provided that space.

While efficiency creates a resource saving, the generation of energy came through engaging the creative mind and exploring some of the untapped reserves. While we talk often about social engagement on Steem, the first engagement that in my opinion has to be made is, that with the self. If a person is not active in mind and body, they are not going to be active in action and if they are, it is more likely to be forced, not enjoyable and, the audience will not only sense it - it all becomes a job.

I talk about working on Steem a lot, but I do not consider it a job. A job is something done for money, work is the action toward anything one considers valuable, even if there is no payoff at the end. Steem is work for me, but it has never been tedious, never automatic, never forced. For those who find it difficult to post, comment and socialize - perhaps they might be better off buying some Steem and voting instead, until there is something here that you are willing to act upon and participate in.

Again, maybe I am lucky here as I do find this place engaging and interesting. However, this is the truth about even the most mundane activities if there is a purpose behind the work. While some people go to a job each day and await the paycheck, others go to work and do something that they feel has value beyond the task itself. While some feel they are a meaningless cog in the machine, another can feel that they are a piece of an instrumental good, a crucial part of changing their own world.

Perhaps this is one of those two types of people things, where there are those who feel as a passenger in their experience, and those who feel they are driving, or at least have some influence over the direction. I think that this shines through in what kinds of content people contribute on Steem, where there are those chasing upvotes in one way shape or form whether it be for instance, targeting a supported content niche, or complaining about not getting support - which is another targeting approach.

Complaining is actually a commonly used social technique that is used to get attention - like the guy at the bar who complains about how much his life sucks in the hope for sympathy sex. I don't know what kind of woman thinks she is getting a good deal in that relationship, but the thing is, it must work at least some of the time otherwise no one would attempt it.

For me personally, complaining is a turnoff, and while I am not a fan of arrogance, I do like confidence. People who do not feel they can influence their own experience aren't generally the most confident of people and I am guessing I am not alone in my preference of what is attractive.

While often people might think that it is only positive Steem content that gets support because it is positive Steem content and people are blind to the negatives, I do not think that is the main reason. Firstly, people who are invested are probably more likely skewed toward content that supports their investment, but more like than that - it is because it is positive.

People are nearly universally attracted to positive people and content over the negative, the type of things that inspire and empower them to at the very least feel like there is hope. Something that energizes them, not depletes them. Who wants to hang out with someone who saps their energy and makes them feel bad about themselves, decisions and life - other than masochists.

There are many people who feel that their experience on Steem happens to them, as if they cannot influence it. I feel quite the opposite as I feel empowered - and it isn't because I get upvotes.

On Steem I have experienced a freedom of expression that I have never experienced anywhere else in my life as it has encouraged me to delve ever deeper into what I know and who I am and add it to the world, not hide it away. Some people allow the votes to direct them, up and down and that has sentenced them to creative death - it has made Steem a job.

There is no place on the internet like Steem, there is no place that encourages the exploration of the self in such a public forum and slowly strips away the social habits that constrain us and therefore, define us. There is no where in the world where such a range of diversity can not only coexist, but get rewarded for its existence. There is no place that is empowering.

I am not a fanboy. I am not naive. I have lived a life that compares to few. I am experienced.

But, my experience is not your experience, my skills are not yours, my mind is unique to me and my heart beats in my own chest. Your experience is your own, your available resources are what you have to work with and what you do with them is your decision. We talk about people selling their Steem as if it is a bad thing, it is not, it is just a resource.

What is a bad thing in my opinion, are people who sell themselves short by believing they have no control over their experience, which is the same as admitting that they have no control over themselves.

While I was never meant to do what I have done on Steem - I have done it nonetheless and given it my all.

[ a Steem original ]



It's an interesting seeming paradox that working, at least working on something you enjoy gives you more energy!

I feel the same about Steem - it's a very useful platform to chuck things out there, there's no where else I'd post some of the stuff I put on here, and I've got another platform!

It is kind of unique in terms of the social aspect, and I increasingly agree about the money, it's less and less important.

Mind you, I'm glad I don't put as much pressure on myself to post every day like you do! I like lounging around too much for that!

For those who use the platform well for their content, it is empowering. For those who are looking for the money alone, it can be a meat grinder.

The pressure isn't to get a post out, but I feel more at peace when I clear my head on the page :)

Well said!


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You can tell confidence and arrogance apart, based on how the person treats other people.
If they try to spread it around, it's confidence.

I really dislike going to dinner with arrogant people, they are the kind that treat the waiter as if they are invisible or look to belittle them in some way.


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‘like the guy at the bar who complains about how much his life sucks in the hope for sympathy sex. I don't know what kind of woman thinks she is getting a good deal in that relationship, but the thing is, it must work at least some of the time otherwise no one would attempt it.’

For me personally, complaining is a turnoff, and while I am not a fan of arrogance, I do like confidence.

To chime in on your statement no complaining doesn’t work as a seduction technique and it isn’t the pathetic guy who complains at the bar who gets the girl. It’s the guy who cynically states that the world and his life are shite with an ‘I don’t give a fuck attitude’ who gets laid. A world weary demeanour with a few flashes of sarcastic humour works every time, certain women (and men I assume) have an overwhelming attraction to arseholes and want to ‘fix them’ and as you said yourself people like confidence.

(Great post as well mate, glad that Steem has become what it has for you)

I don't think it works for seduction either, but people use intuition as their approach - rather than what actually works, which is counter intuitive for most people. Unfortunately (perhaps fortunately) some people will never learn. Survival of the fittest is more than physical for humans.


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I think your approach was the right approach initially. The ones who came for a quick buck have long gone and what a big mistake for all of them. The opportunity to be part of something right at the beginning and all they can see is $ signs. There will be dollar signs for everyone that dug in and waited it out enjoying themselves seeing this as part of a bigger picture. Like you I see this as therapeutic and it has helped me more than anything else. My thoughts are clearer today than they were 2 years ago and I think this has happened to quite a few people.

My thoughts are clearer today than they were 2 years ago and I think this has happened to quite a few people.

While many people might not make that much on sTeem, I wonder what the value of a clear mind is in the real world?

That is why this is the best game I have ever played as I still see it that way. If we can earn something in the process eventually then we all come out on top.


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On a bit of a tangent to what you are saying here, is that when I discover a new token or a new crypto service I like to know how I am going to turn it back into FIAT.
The trick is to not come across like a "dumper", someone who only uses the tokens to dump them for FIAT.
But without an easy to and fro from FIAT and back again, what use is the token / coin in the real world?
And how is it going to generate confidence so that more people start using it?

As for why I am here, I started out on DTube as an alternative to YouTube and then I discovered that there was a blogging aspect to it all. I haven't really made a FIAT cent from the platform, in the sense that I have yet to remove Steem from the ecosystem for myself. But it's become a form of entertainment and also a way for me to contribute to communities and uplift people and give them hope, as the platform has done for me.

I agree, the gateway to fiat/usage is very important.

I didn't realize you started "blind" on DTube, that is pretty cool!


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Great read :)

I'm glad you found your calling and i'm enjoying following your story.

I think it is all part of on very large narrative that is slowly (very slowly :D ) expanding outward to include more lives. I m looking forward to what a few million Steemians with a high value coin can do globally.

Hopefully we'll get the chance to find out :)

Yeah, it would be brilliant to watch... or a train wreck

which is the same as admitting that they have no control over themselves.

That I agree with a lot. People sometimes look at it being the fault of others for their failings in life, or because of this or because of that, or because they were not provided for...et cetera. What they don't want to do...ever..is accept responsibility for the choices the made for where their lives have taken them.

I do like and enjoy some of the negativity at times on the chain. Some of the rants and raves are quite entertaining. The diversity on steem block chain is one of the best things ever. I love the different varied locations people live, the different view points they have, and learning a little bit about the different cultures, that makes me more of a consumer, but also a content sharer since I like to share views of my world, and to share my views on some issues.

I think a lot of people are beginning to see SBC as a real social site, a social site for the world, where else on-line can one go and get such a diverse group of people chatting, sharing and not living in fear that their voice will be silenced. I get so tired of the Not available in your region message, I hope that dtube, and 3speak, never have to implement something like that.

I do like and enjoy some of the negativity at times on the chain.

Me too, but when it is coming from an individual account constantly, I find myself tuning out. As you said, most do not consider what led themselves to their current position, and having to rely on Steem for income could indicate some poor choices. Yes, not everything can be controlled, but in a slightly different world, there would be no Steem available and then what would people do?

I like the mix, I like hearing how much overlap we all have, however different we might seem to be.


Oh yes the serial ranters, I like the every now and then rant, not the same rant day after day by the same account. The mix of people and nationalities I just find amazing, and what is really great no real significant American Style racism. People are able to accept each other as just people here.

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I came for the money at the beginning and kept disappearing for a long time but always came back. I am back again after 10 months and I realized that I like to write and miss it. I am going to take a different approach this time around. Hopefully I can take the same steps you did and use Steem as a tool to write and get some of my thoughts out and release some of my daily stress. I will be grateful for any Steem I do get which I do need the financial help to support my family, that wont be the sole reason I am here. Great post enjoyed reading it and gave me some motivation. Thank You.

You know the "do what you love and the money will follow" adage? It might not be true, but at least you are spending some time doing what you love :)


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Reading this is like viewing my own journey from the future. I relate with the earlier you in an almost identical way, in some of the items you explore here. Item referenced: Self-exploration. You have definitely defined yourself as a talented writer with the capability of putting your thoughts together in a concise, energetic, informative and insightful way.

Also, there is nothing wrong with being positive about something that is positive. It should be expected! Why is there so much positive content on STEEM??

Because STEEM IS GOOD!!!

Really enjoyed this post. Hats off to you!

Cheers to STEEM!

Cheers mate. I think that often, negative people think that they are actually seeing the truth, yet never entertain that they may be wrong. Doesn't that make them positive? :D

HAHAHA... Well, I suppose that depends on their ability to adapt through humility and introspection. It also depends on their ability to overcome the fear of being wrong, because that fear boiled down is the fear of change.


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"This was so incredibly good that Im not even sure how to respond, as I have so many emotions going though my mind"
Thank you for sharing.
Have a blessed day. I said to @badseedalchemist after reading this post,

Thank you Audie it is appreciated, and enjoy your day too. For me, it is time for bed :)

It really was so impactful.
Good night...


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Thank you @galenkp for the 20 gift of engagement.

Likewise me, the money brought me here and I nearly left just - like the person who introduced to the platform did - because the money I came for wasn't showing up but I saw what was bigger than money, which is the "big community", the new friends from around the globe and the opportunity to improve my talent. And also to earn a penny which is better than the previous social media I was sharing my works.

As time goes on, I believed in the platform, engaged and exercised patience....and I think I'm doing better than unlike before. ✌🙄

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the opportunity to improve my talent

I think this should be a major driver for any individual here. If it isn't making you better, why do it at all?


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On Steem I have experienced a freedom of expression that I have never experienced anywhere else in my life as it has encouraged me to delve ever deeper into what I know and who I am and add it to the world, not hide it away. Some people allow the votes to direct them, up and down and that has sentenced them to creative death - it has made Steem a job.

I love this and it parallels my own experience and feelings. Being able to freely write down or video tape your innermost thoughs and opinions and have a audience that can eagerly consume it ( and make a little "change"on the side) is something you cannot find anywhere else, imho

I think there is a very strong connection to developing skills and content for steem, and improving skills and approach to life. Many miss the opportunity.


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I'm kind of curious about the mindset of the people who go into anything thinking it's going to be easy/a quick buck when the amount they're wanting/expecting is...let's be super conservative and say somewhere around the equivalent of cost of living as some seem to come in expecting to become cryptobazillionaires overnight.

Because success happens overnight possibly with a bit of luck and zero effort right

It is funny to think that many people struggle to make ends meet working a full-time job, then expect to do it here with some random posts.


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i am here because i need to clear my mind from trading.. i read a lot and do upvote for what like to read.. im not a writer and bad in english so i dont care at all making money or not in steem cause i can see i still can make money from trading. overall this was i like doing in my spent time to read a lot..

I think that there should be more readers such as yourself in the future, people coming here to read, learn, play and just have a good time. For many, there is no direct need to earn from Steem, but it is just a nice little bonus from consumption. I am hoping that communities can build homes loved by consumers.

I'm very glad that I discovered your account. Your honest and moving post really caught my attention. I truly enjoy the way you write. It's like a stream of consciousness. Thank you, Elena

Thank you very much.

It's like a stream of consciousness.

And typos :)

I had a similar story told to me recently, thanks for the reinforcement.

I also say “the harder I work the luckier I become”

Keep it up mate.

Cheers and yeah, generally the work has to be done before the reward. :)


Tackling every aspect. Twas such a great perspective.

Steemit came as a way to expose my art to a larger audience. . The money was just like an added value... No regrets as steemit even made me a better and versatile writer

The incentivized opportunity to advance skills is a huge advantage here in my opinion. I believe that those who actually try are better off for it.

This morning, I thought about writing my experience with victimhood. Here I am, reading something much better than I have articulated inside my mind.

You mentioned a lot of points that I realized only from the last two years.

I am currently in the same situation that you faced. But, then I found the solution like you said.

desperate times call for desperate measures and my measure was to call upon my experience in work, business and life to cobble together something that I hoped would connect with someone.

I am still fairly young and my experience is limited. Even so, it's almost impossible for people to believe I've been working since age 10. Hence why, I never bother to look for a traditional job. I found myself immersed in online world because there is little to zero ageism.

Working online has never a pressure for me. Certainly I felt burnout once in a while but it never take me that long to recover. My motivation is fairly simple, trying to find my way away from corporate cog's life.

In relation to victimhood, there was one time, during my first year of university that I thought I was a victim. I was influenced by my peers that a woman I will never thrive in a patriarchal world. I stupidly let that narrative soaked in me until I was slapped with reality. As I started hustling again, all the toxic friendship I made were gone. I felt bad but now I realize, it was for the better.

As I began to take control of my narrative, things get better. Whether I am being a writer, dishwasher, street clearner, whatever it is, at least I know i will accept my life and try my best to quit complaining.

believing they have no control over their experience, which is the same as admitting that they have no control over themselves.

Sure, there are still difficult time but I am more accepting and I have more control over it. I have known what it's like to starve, to wait and have dreams taken away from me. I know what happens when I do nothing and now, I choose to do something.

Thanks for continually writing inspiring content on steem !

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Can never get away from Bible Bashers.... is no place sacred??