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RE: Just under a few words

in OCD3 years ago

Sometimes late, I admit, but I observe mostly.

Like this - or later? I have ben using to try and catch up when I can :)

You say less sleep, but I am sure it is more than that. You are probably lot more productive compared to many others.

I average about 5h a night for the last 3 or 4 years - perhaps it isn't enough, but at this point, the "only way" I see myself being to take advantage of opportunities is to work at them - I get the sense that I don't have many great opportunities for financial security left in my life - may as well go for it.

I actually haven't tried the gaming on Hive, as I feel that if I do, I will get lost in it and spend too much time there. I love creating, but the pull of the consumer in me is always present, like being an ex-smoker.

You have been really active of latte - does it feel different?


Later perhaps in most cases..

Lately I easily spend 5H + on most days, but for me lots/most of it is off chain. Mostly due to my role in governance and politics :)

Also trying to elevate a community from a corner. I have been moderately successful with that.