
I am very unmotivated at the moment and the weather isn't motivating either.
So I hope that at least you will do something productive and take some photos or watch tutorials ... I think I could do the same and maybe edit some of these failed dandelion shots I've taken last week ;)

Cheers and !BEER

I get what you mean about being unmotivated, bene busy doing some things around the house with my wife today so far but maybe this afternoon I will do photos or tutorials

Cheers and !BEER

Right after my last reply I lay down and wanted to search Youtube for watersplash photography tutorials, but at first there was a tutorial for better bird photography, which was very good and interesting ... and 2 hours later I woke up 😉 lol
I hope you didn't do the same my friend ;)

So I think I'll just write the replies on the comments I got, make some votes and call it a day. Tomorrow will be a very long work day, but maybe I'll find some time inbetween to make a post.


NO I didnt have a nap but we were on the phone with he kids and went for a drive :) now back at home and chilling
Cheers and !BEER

So your afternoon was a bit more productive than mine and you've had a nice chat with your family, that's good.
Good morning JJ, I hope you have a great day today 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

Today will be a quiet day at home and I say that like its something different lOL, will be busy replying and commenting on Wednesday Walk posts ;)


So, have a good time commenting my friend.
I'm trying to put a post together, but there's always something that disturbs me: work. Oh, how I envy you, my friend 😉