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RE: Are You a "Jack of All Trades, Master Of None?"

in OCD4 years ago

Yeah, I actually decided to write about it after seeing it on your profile. There are lots of things I am good at but I'm no specialist or master in any one of those. I've read a few articles that say it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice in order to master any skill and I don't think I have that much dedication to do that. 😄
As you said, we should do what makes us happy, and exploring different things is what I like to do. This will likely be more apparent as I post more stuff here as well :)


Cheers, it's always great to see new posts from you. I also don't think I have 10,000 hours of patience, which leads me to suggest that my "mastery" of things is only based on personal perception 😁. The key would be showing off confidence in displaying to people that you seem to know what you're doing, even though you don't have a clue on the subject!