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RE: Are You a "Jack of All Trades, Master Of None?"

in OCD4 years ago

It's quite an interesting conundrum to ponder on. My profile is literally "Jack of all trades, master of some"... and it's given my thought to the things that I can actually master, if there are any XD! There's never a wrong or right when it comes to this, and I guess there are different ways or understanding of what it means to master something. How much calibration, efficiency, and perfection would make you a master, I wonder.

When you consider the diversity of mankind and how many different roles we each undertake, there's always those looking to have a good understanding on multiple subjects, and keep learning to find new ones. They have a wide array of interests, and never stop at just one or a few. There are also those that aim to only master one discipline in life, perfecting their craft at that subject and do the best at it.

All is welcome, and if it suffices to make you happy, then you're likely going the right way :-)


Yeah, I actually decided to write about it after seeing it on your profile. There are lots of things I am good at but I'm no specialist or master in any one of those. I've read a few articles that say it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice in order to master any skill and I don't think I have that much dedication to do that. 😄
As you said, we should do what makes us happy, and exploring different things is what I like to do. This will likely be more apparent as I post more stuff here as well :)

Cheers, it's always great to see new posts from you. I also don't think I have 10,000 hours of patience, which leads me to suggest that my "mastery" of things is only based on personal perception 😁. The key would be showing off confidence in displaying to people that you seem to know what you're doing, even though you don't have a clue on the subject!