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RE: G-dog gets hive mail

in OCD4 years ago

Now this is a really neat concept I can get behind, and pretty fun, too! It must be flattering to have your face on a stamp. That happens only to the most privileged and honoured people in the world. You're officially one step closer in the heirarchy to the Queen of England 👑

Posted using Dapplr


Lol...Yeah, the Queen is old news mate...Wait until they get a load of the G-dog!

If Australia ever gets full independence, I hereby crown you;

Galen I, King of the Australians, Conqueror of The Kangaroos, Friend of Koalas, and Great Terror of Emus.

Lol...And I'd be commandeering all the Lego...And chopping a few heads off!

Jeez, we haven't even crowned you yet, and you're already a tyrant! No Oreos for you... bad King! No go to the naughty corner and think about what you've just done.


King G-dog slinks over to the naughty corner and stands quietly contemplating the error of his tyrannical ways.

Haha, imagine if this is the way we dealt with tyrants in the real world. Oh, murdered a few protestors... Naughty Corner. Burnt an entire rebel village... Naughty Corner. Executed political opponents... Naughty Corner. Honestly though, I think Hitler's going to get used to the naughty corner treatment quite a lot, without Schnapps this time.

Naughty corner punishment is the most effective punishment known to mankind. 😂