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RE: [Not] coming back to the future

in OCD4 years ago

Talking about going back in the past, and accidentally landing somewhere bad, it instantly reminded me of Blackadder. There was a special time-travelling episode that I loved, and surely you don't want to drop your machine right in front of a dinosaur, or in the middle of the Battle of Waterloo.

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I like Blackadder.. Way funnier than the comedies of today!

Hugely amazing, and as they say, they don't make them like they used to. Or at least, so many people are easily offended by little things these days, that I don't think such blunt comedy would make it. That, and Monty Python are my favourites. Probably re-watched them at least a dozen times each over the years!

People's tastes have changed these days and I suppose comedy shows have had to change with it. I don't find much comedy funny these days as mostly the stand up comedians are politically motivated or are required to be too careful about what they say. Heaven forbid a vegan gets upset...

Jesus H. Christ, hell hath no fury when a vegan gets upset. I'm awfully petrified to talk about the subject unless in hush whispers, even though the whole veganism thing hasn't much reached Malaysia yet. I swear, I'd rather get into a heated debate with a Nazi over all the nasty shite that Hitler's done, than trying to justify to a vegan that eating meat is actually okay.

Yeah...They amp up don't they?

I don't mind vegans, I just wish they'd shut the fuck up and eat rather than trying to convert everyone, or denigrate them for not being vegan. Not all do this, but most I've met do. I don't understand why they can't just be them, and let everyone else who isn't them be themselves.

Yeah, I can agree 100% to this statement. Some are fine, and they're happy to be vegan by themselves. Others are preaching harder than Mormons as to how being vegan makes them better than everyone else, and how shite you are for not being one of them. Truly, there must be a special place in hell reserved for people like that. 👿

Agreed. I know one, here at the office and she's good because she just eat's rather than preaches...The only one I've ever met that does so. I heard a thing about the fact only 1% of the world is vegan and I wonder how many are truly vegan, or just say it for affect. You know, I'm vegan y'all, how dare you eat meat you disgusting pig...And then they drive away in a car with leather seats. Wankers.