The wheel. My collage for Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 67

La rueda 67.png

We have reached round 67 of Let'sMake a Collage(rules there), and I don't know what exactly my collage means this week. Although it has some elements that might make it seem sinister, it also has to do with life and its mysterious persistence.
The meaning lies, perhaps in my dreams, and in some opaque space of my thoughts.

I started from this photo by @shaka, below I comment on it:

Ronda 67.jpg

The wheel

When I stopped to examine @shaka's photograph, it seemed to me that it built a very intense, strange and a bit sinister atmosphere, and yet beautiful. Something very similar to the feeling I get from some fairy tales.
The wheel was a significant element in that impression, along with the imprisoned flowers behind the window glass.
I took the wheel. The wheel spun and out came the story I tell with the images.


The wheel is a good metaphor for time, for the life-death cycle and, graphically, it is the opposite of the square. There is a paradoxical image that I love: the squaring of the circle. Impossible to imagine. I like it because it is a humbling lesson on the power of imagination: we can conceive of many things, but our mind cannot represent everything. How did I come to this comment? Another mystery out of @shaka's house.


Making babies

My collage this week has very few elements. I didn't feel I needed many, as the house symbol and the wheel deserve their prominence.
The vertigo was completed with the babies. I made them with the program that the wonderful @quantumg discovered for me (I hope to see it this week, by the way): Make Human. I had a lot of fun making people and paper dolls for my goddaughter.

That's all I can tell you at this time. My collage is not exactly pretty or as colorful as the ones I usually present, but I hope the composition has some strength and grace.



Space background
Road mirror

Gracias por la compañía. Bienvenidos Siempre.


Dear @adncabrera,

Your collage has strength in abundance. I must say I find the images disruptive to my peace, but I think that is in a way your sense of it also. You decline to describe the collage but you do refer to 'imprisonment' and 'sinister elements' when you write about it. I think of the disquietude occasioned by Bruegel, El Greco.

An effective, intelligent, provocative piece.

At this point, I'm not surprised that you create a uniquely original work. This one really was surprising. Kudos for mastering the Human program.

With respect and affection,

Your friend, AG

¡Oh, querida @agmoore, eres muy amable! Disculpa que te responda en español, pero no tengo a mano traductores y mi inglés es malísimo.
En esta ocasión, la idea que quería transmitir, a pesar de ser muy fuerte, no tenía significación totalmente clara para mí. Está falta de control, no lo ignoro, suele ser parte de la creación, y es divertido, aunque no deja de ser perturbador.
¡Recibe un abrazo enorme y gracias nuevamente!

Querida @adncabrera,

Trato de respuestarte sin uso del traductor. Puedo leer en espanol bastante bien. No puedo hablar, ni esribir en la lengua. Pero, a mi, espanol es una lengua muy amable, muy sonorosa.

Espero que tu puedes entender estas pocas palabras escrito con buena intencion.

Un abrazo para ti,
Tu amiga,

Entendí perfectamente, mi querida @agmoore.Qué bonito suenas en mi lengua.
Estoy regresando de un viaje y tus palabras me dan labienvenida. ¡Recibe un enorme abrazo!


Una composición inquietante, el caos, la fuerza que succiona la creación. ¡Bravo! @adncabrera, lograste alterar los sentidos con tu collage.

A disturbing composition, the chaos, the force that sucks the creation. bravo! @adncabrera, you managed to alter the senses with your collage.

Gracias por tu lectura, querida @evagavilan2. Me encanta que estés aquí, me encanta que estés en el cuadro de seleccionados.
Un abrazote y mucha suerte.

I am almost speechless ... and that is good.
Wow, a somewhat disturbing but very sophisticated work of art.
I love it. 😎

Thank you very much for the visit, dear @muelli.
You are very kind.
Too bad I don't have any beers, but have a nice one 🥑.

You are always welcome!

Quisiera decirte muchas cosas pero ya otros lo han hecho.
Me dejaste los sentidos alterados. Tocaste una tecla en mis emociones... Bravo!!
Mis más sinceras felicitaciones por este majestuoso trabajo.
Mi gran abrazo de siempre @adncabrera!

Me haces feliz, querida @marcybetancourt. Me enorgullece que te parezca bueno mi trabajo, aunque sea perturbador.
Un abrazo enorme, amiga.

Tu dirás que no es colorido ni bonito tu collage pero yo veo mucho arte en él, tal vez refleja algo de turbulencia, algo que sentías al momento de crearlo. A mi me encantó!


Gracias por pasar a ver y comentar, @mballesteros.¡Lo aprecio muchísimo!
Que hayas percibido el arte, a pesar de lo turbulento que pueda ser, es para mí muy importante.

A la ordén y sigue adelante haciendo el arte que te salga desde adentro, a veces uno no ve las cosas maravillosas que puede crear hasta que otro te lo dice. Abrazos!🤗

Absolutamente original. A Master Piece. Congrats.

Gracias, @aud-perez. Aprecio enormemente tu comentario y me siento orgullosa de que te guste mi experimento.

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Gracias, querida @kismeri! Gracias por detenerte a ver y comentar.
¡Que tengas mucha suerte tú también!