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RE: Busy Easter Bunnies, A GIF Created for LMAC Contest #32

Dear AG,
thank you very much for your little historical journey and the pretty colorful, seasonal collage.
Happy Easter,

P.S.: Would you mind reading my english written article on Steemit? I would be very happy about a short feedback from a native speaker... 😊


Dear Chriddi,
Happy Easter! Thank you for coming by and for enjoying my GIF. The child in me lives :))

Of course I would love to read your article. It's a wonderful thing that you are able to cross language boundaries so skillfully. I have studied Spanish and German since my youth, and still I am challenged. You will get honest feedback.

I wish you and your family (and Max, of course) a peaceful and healthy holiday.
Warm regards,

Dear AG,

it's very good to preserve your inner child. If you give too much space to the brooding adult, all too often this seems to lead to bitterness.

I studied English for nine years at school, and in high school I took courses in German and English literature. I improved my skills through several stays in California. But they fell asleep over time and so I consider reading and acting on Steem/Hive a real chance to refresh my foreign language skills.

The reference to my text should not be a "fishing for compliments", but was real interest. Now you have made my day - I am touched!

Best wishes,

Hi Chriddi,
Yes, our skills do fall asleep. But there is a certain muscle memory, and it seems to be working well for you here. I've always loved languages...even dubbed films in unfamiliar languages offer the opportunity to pick up a word here and there.

Writers don't recognize fishing. We all crave objective (though not harsh) feedback. It's a pleasure to read with an analytic perspective.

Have a happy, healthy Easter.

Warm regards,