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RE: Epic’s feud against the Apple App Store is much bigger than Fortnite

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Dear @lucabarbera

Finally I've found some time to catch up and read few previously bookmarked posts.

Interesting choice of topic, I must admit. Long - but it was a good read :)

Epic has been fighting this battle for quite some time already: in August 2018 they removed the game from the Google Play Store as they were fed up with Google taking a 30% cut just like Apple.

Fair enough. 30% may be a lot for access to such a huge marketplace, however it's a fair price to pay - as long as other companies are treated same way by google/apple.

Epic does look like one of those businesses, which are focusing on maximizing their own profits and trying to use 3rd parties to their own benefit only. And making big deal about this issue, trying to portrait themselfs as a martyr.

All I can see is Epic promoting themselfs by attacking names of big brands, trying to play role of a hero. Which I consider "bullshit".
I do not like such a business behaviours.

One common objection to Epic's actions is "the App Store rules are clear. If someone doesn't accept them, they're always free to not publish the game there". That reasoning is fundamentally flawed because there are no alternatives to the App Store for publishing applications on iOS.

Personally, I FULLY support this reasoning. Apple cannot be abused simply because there are no other VERY POPULAR alternatives. Alternatives with solid traffic.
If I offer some unique services and my clients wouldn't be happy with my charges - then I should not be considered "guilty" and labeled as a "villain" simply because noone else is offering similar services. This is nonesense in my opinion.

We seem to have different views on this topic and I only hope I didn't upset you with my opinion.

Have a great weekend buddy. And welcome within PH.


Hi @crypto.piotr, great to read you here. I believe it is very valuable to compare opinions, whether they are aligned or not, so thank you for sharing your thoughts.

All I can see is Epic promoting themselfs by attacking names of big brands, trying to play role of a hero. Which I consider "bullshit".

I agree: Epic has chosen to depict themselves as David against the Goliath of a corporation, which is an easy and cheap trick. It is also done out of mere opportunity, as Epic is really not on the verge of bankruptcy.

30% may be a lot for access to such a huge marketplace, however it's a fair price to pay - as long as other companies are treated same way by google/apple.

That is the pivotal point of this whole matter: apparently Apple is not treating all companies the same way. Amazon's example sticks out like a sore thumb: how come they were able to cut a zero-fee deal if rules are applied evenly? Before April 2020, no one did ever know such a thing was possible, and Apple's "established program" defense sounds weak and hastily put together. But don't get my word for it: now that the cat is out of the bag, newspapers and media outlets are pressuring Apple to obtain the same deal - and Cupertino has to face its own music. I'm very curious to see if Apple will put money where their mouth is.

 4 years ago  

I appreciate very much your kind and polite reply @lucabarbera