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RE: Epic’s feud against the Apple App Store is much bigger than Fortnite

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hi @crypto.piotr, great to read you here. I believe it is very valuable to compare opinions, whether they are aligned or not, so thank you for sharing your thoughts.

All I can see is Epic promoting themselfs by attacking names of big brands, trying to play role of a hero. Which I consider "bullshit".

I agree: Epic has chosen to depict themselves as David against the Goliath of a corporation, which is an easy and cheap trick. It is also done out of mere opportunity, as Epic is really not on the verge of bankruptcy.

30% may be a lot for access to such a huge marketplace, however it's a fair price to pay - as long as other companies are treated same way by google/apple.

That is the pivotal point of this whole matter: apparently Apple is not treating all companies the same way. Amazon's example sticks out like a sore thumb: how come they were able to cut a zero-fee deal if rules are applied evenly? Before April 2020, no one did ever know such a thing was possible, and Apple's "established program" defense sounds weak and hastily put together. But don't get my word for it: now that the cat is out of the bag, newspapers and media outlets are pressuring Apple to obtain the same deal - and Cupertino has to face its own music. I'm very curious to see if Apple will put money where their mouth is.

 4 years ago  

I appreciate very much your kind and polite reply @lucabarbera