What is the multiverse and how many types are there? - Part II

in Project HOPE4 years ago


In the previous post we talked about the multiverse and how many different types there are according to the scientists, Mosaic that would be like an immense patchwork carpet, Inflationary like an immense jacuzzi and Brana like an immense line with oscillating membranes like bed sheets in multiple dimensions.

4- Cyclic Multiverse
Starting from the Brana multiverse in which infinite universes like membranes of different dimensions are agitated in an 11-dimensional "bulk", it is very likely that two of those membranes collide with each other.

This crash between two branes would cause a phenomenon similar to the Big-Bang that would eventually end up creating another one of these brana universes in a cyclical process creating new universes similar to ours.


5- Multiverse Landscape.
To define this multiverse we will start from the inflationary multiverse that we saw in the previous post and you will remember that it consisted of the appearance of multiple bubble universes due to inflation.

Applying string theory to this scenario, if space has 10 dimensions and 6 of them are tiny coiled up in themselves, in this Landscape multiverse we would see universes that reflect all possible ways of coiling these dimensions.

This would give rise to a multitude of universes all of them evolving in different ways and above all very varied if we consider that there are 1x10E500 (ten to the five hundred) different ways of compacting these 6 excess dimensions.


6-Quantum Multiverse
As quantum mechanics maintains, a system can be in several different states simultaneously in what is called superposition of states, but the moment this system is observed or measured, the system opts for a single state and remains in it.

Roughly said, reality is a mixture of possibilities until we observe it, and then it takes one of those possible states and defines itself before us as what we call reality, but what happens to the other states after observing or measuring the system? ?

According to the Copenhagen interpretation led by Neils Bohr, the moment it is observed a collapse of the wave function of this system occurs, causing the system to adopt a certain state and the others to disappear by magic.


In contrast to this appears the Theory of Many Worlds promulgated by Hugh Everett, who maintains that once the system opts for a state, the universe divides into two allowing the two possibilities to occur in different universes.

That is, each time a quantum phenomenon occurs in which there are two possible results, the universe splits into two and each of these results will occur in a different universe.

This is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine, but if we consider death to be a quantum phenomenon, this means that we are immortal.

To be continue...

Versión en español



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I not actually following this...the thought of multiple universes is a little lot of this Universe I guess.

Love this factacy of a kind. I always think maybe in another universe, I am there with other me living another choice that I did not in this universe.

Coming to think of it, I believe what you ask universe, becomes your reality...kind of like energy and all...that's why putting positive, real wishes and working on them is good, Universe rewards you and that kind of stuff.

Anyway... our world is so small to think of Universe and all...we are stuck in one dimention and pressured and moved by reality. Fact of our life which sometimes I feel are quite meserable, small and mundane many times.

Anyway...fasinating insights as always... the only real kick I get close to this is Blockchain and crypto to a very small extent.

In not many years we'll be to upload our brain to the cloud and the we'll be able to experience all these universes.

Thank you for comment.