Morning Run: Rock around the block

in EXHAUST2 months ago

steevc just finished a 6.97km run, that lasted for 41 minutes.
This run helped steevc burn 497.0 calories.

Description from Strava:
Last night was our pub music session and it was a good one. We had a couple of new guys show up who play as a duo and they were really good. Then there was a bit of a crowd in the bar who had not come for the music, but they really got into it. A couple of them seemed pretty drunk and could be a bit loud, but I think one left and the other fell asleep with his head on the bar. I had been intending to play some songs that I do not do so often, but with that audience I decided it would be better to go with the crowd pleasers. That seemed to go down well as they joined in with some good singers amongst them. This is what live music should be about. Whilst there I had an email from someone else who is interested in playing with us. We do need some 'fresh blood', so things are looking good.

As I had a couple of beers last night it was a little harder to get up for a run. It is a lovely morning though, so off I went. I decided I would just jog around my loop and not worry too much about pushing hard.

The place that opened as a Turkish barber recently is now being converted to a cafe and work is progressing.

The birds were singing and I saw a squirrel. There were also a few slugs around, but I am not sure if they survive well on dry paths. They usually like the damp and may have got caught out.

I just plodded around today, but the pace was not terrible as I enjoyed some podcasts. I do value this outdoor time as I sit inside all day for work.

It should be another good day for solar power.

Run free!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Older guy trying to keep fit, but still hope to go quicker.


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I was at a ball game last night and had a beer myself. I agree, it was difficult to get up this morning, but I did it. My wife and I finally worked out a plan for the treadmill, so I was on that today. She conceded Tuesdays and Thursdays to me. I finally took my 25 minute workout and put it into a template so I can hopefully use it again in the future. I don't know if it is the fact that I have been mowing lawn again, but for some reason the walk/run felt easier this morning than it has in the past.

I think other activities will help your fitness too. Just getting out of breath a few times a week should get your somewhere.

I tend to find I don't want a lot of beer these days as it doesn't do much for me. It was a really fun night though.

There are times a beer is quite refreshing, but I don't drink it like I used to either.

Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
To see the full Weekly Leader Board, click here.

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @vardatarmaion88 - 3372.0 Calories Burned
  2. @navidjahanshahi - 2841.3 Calories Burned
  3. @dejan.vuckovic - 2514.0 Calories Burned
  4. @masoom - 2155.4 Calories Burned
  5. @svanbo - 1759.0 Calories Burned

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Keep going ma man , you're getting healthier and healthier everyday 💯🔥👌

Also getting older :)

Yeah😂😂 but you still have so much left in the tank 👌

El que camina mejora su salud y que es un buen ejercicio 😊