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RE: The Stupidity of Hivewatchers

in The City of Neoxianlast year (edited)

If you think that threatening me and @Abit and shitting on everything else we've done because your friend (who I'm sure is embarrassed by this tantrum) got caught with AI posts is going to get you anywhere, you have another thing coming. We are not leaving Hive, we are not stopping our various contributions to Hive, and we do not respond to threats.

If you have a problem with how AI is treated then you are welcome to come in agreement with the general community that Hive should welcome all AI texts and AI art. Monetizing AI, letting all the botnets flourish, by all means. I'm not sure how we're supposed to promote Hive afterwards when it's full of plagiarism but I guess there's always those "make free money from home" ads on Craigslist.

Edit: I don't normally edit like this but I want to clarify why I'm responding to the witness portion. Doesn't matter if its about my witness or any other witness. If it was simply criticism of HW then that's what's supposed to happen. That's freedom of speech. But when we start going after governance that's a problem and it's a problem because if we go back three years, we remember that the original chain was lost in part because one group wanted to alter governance and campaigned against witnesses. This is no different than what people who claimed to represent the Korean community did pre-Hive. They incited others to vote as they've instructed, they supported the hostile takeover enabling it, and they directly contributed to the theft of millions from innocent witnesses and stakeholders. You are trying to change part of the consensus for a frivolous reason, without taking into mind the security of Hive, just like them. There's no place for a repeat of that in any form on Hive.


Showing your ugly side now? Got tired of putting up a meek facade to @blocktrades, et al?

You deserve everything that's coming to you on this chain. There's a reason why people are annoyed. Sounds like you don't like to be held responsible for being the piece of human refuse you really are.

The only person getting "free money" is your jobless friend, Logic. You protect problematic people throughout your career, just like how you shielded @walden, aka @jaguar.force for years. And that's not the only piece of garbage you tried to utilize on this chain.

Do us a favor, stay in the background and stfu.

Stakeholders should unvote you. You don't deserve to be a consensus witness.

Look man, I know you probably said something to me before you blocked me back then but I either missed it or it escapes my mind, as I still have no idea what is going on. But I do genuinely have no clue why that happened when we used to talk just fine. The only message that comes close is when you said I've taken on a lot and I don't disagree with it as it is a lot of work. Can't say much about Walden who was active back in the pre-Hive days which is quite a long time ago and has nothing to do with Hive.

What is up with this quote block-text comments from you and this team? Comes across poorly formatted and looks horribly unprofessional....what am I missing?

Pretty sure it's a dapp thing related to the comment being downvoted. Peakd shows it with that blocky text, while Ecency has a banner over the comment instead saying, "This content got low rating by people." So nothing to do with how the comment was written, just how the dapp is designed to display.

Oooh thank you Im going to talk to peakd about this!

If found that if you click the comment link (bringing it up in a new tab) PeakD displays normally, which is how I deal with the clunky looking text when it happens (and I care to read And you're very welcome. 😊

Keep on pretending you don't know what happened. You are a lying piece of shit.

I genuinely don't know. You blocked me long before any issue in MM. You can unblock me on Discord and we can resolve it.

Go fuck yourself in your ivory tower.

The time for "negotiation" has long passed.

There was no time because you blocked me. What's the point of arguing for another year? I've got no ill will towards you.

I said.


I don't do backroom deals with someone like you.

I didn't read a threatening tone in any of this comment chain to be honest..

Am I missing something here or? Threats perceived or feelings of persecution are pretty normal when you have people questioning the validity of what you are doing, but in all honesty man I don't think that taking humans 100% out of the loop is the best way to tackle this stuff, automation of plagiarism and whatnot is probably a way to go, but would still need people to oversee the stuff. Certainly would take the animosity and human bias mostly out of the equation.

I get you and enforcer48 have previous beef or whatever.. But ultimately I think nothing that has been done is beyond forgivable, nor should one let person feelings dictate action when they are put in positions which require all but entirely stoic reaction to things, be it personal attacks or attacks on their work.

AI is here to stay and will almost certainly become the dominant means of posting to the internet.. Most HIVE posts are shitposts to begin with, not sure I like the idea of AI posting either, but maybe some of the content generated will actually get us back on the map like the STEEM days SEO wise. Gotta evolve with the tech and accept that things are changing.. If we see an uptick in AI generated content, maybe it's time to add AI-genned flags to posts or something. Dunno.

Anyways, regardless of the bullshit I am not one to shit on you for the work you have been doing, do I agree with all of it? Nah, but that doesn't change the fact that you have been working with what certainly started out as noble intent.

Ya'll should bury the hatchet though fight wise. Personal grudges and dick jousting over old beef or bias isn't really something that should be determining factor on who is allowed where or treated differently.

I edited my comment to further explain what I meant. I realize it was confusing.

Appreciated. I'm not even 3rd party in this, just seeing fallout from things and trying to get where the beef or disdain is being generated from.

Neither you or enforcer are enemies of the community, same side at the end of the day. Hopefully ya'll can bury the hatchet or atleast be civil to eachother. Cheers.

Yeah that's true, we do agree more than disagree in my view.

Yeah man, Never really had bad interactions or when there was misunderstanding you were always willing to atleast talk civilized with me or explain stuff, which garners respect in my books. I don't believe you're a bad actor, nor do I think you go out of your way to mess with people most of the time. Bad blood happens, it's how one holds a grudge long term that ultimately matters.

Anyways, hope things get smoothed out.

Haters gonna hate, misunderstandings gonna happen, either way just continue to evolve and do better each day. Cheers.

Can i say something 👋🏻

People who use those AI art say it is their own property because the BOT said so.
Same for poems etc...
I have seen posts in Hive using 100% AI art and no DV .

With AI allowness to make everyone "artists" or "poets"
It is going to be a tough one to follow, even if hive removes from the code the allowance of using internet photos ( with links ) ...the matter of using few words to have a masterpiece we can call our own is impossible to stop.

I think it is a war against people who take time to produce quality art and writing.

A war we cannot win since they own AI who owns them.

I use AI to help me code these days.. Not for making functions but for helping me auto type out tedious or monotonous code blocks.

Time to embrace AI is now.. Fighting against the tide will only stifle one's ability.. it's a force multiplier at this point, not a drop in replacement.

Cheers lovely!

I totally agree AI is amazing for coders and devs !

But to make art and poems ? and call it your own because you spitted few words .
Some people really take it seriously and think it takes a mastermind like them with experience in life to spit few words and make AI create a masterpiece, which is finally really them and theirs.
At least it help us see all the Pervert narcissists out there , the psychopaths , the fabulateurs who spit few words and feel like great artists.

You know my art and i know yours ... no AI will copy those brains of ours 😂

lol, I have been using CodeGeeX in VS Code.. And it does almost exactly what you express above.. I start a line of code and it guesses the autofill for it.. a lot of the time it's exactly what I was going to write. Now does that mean I'm cheating on coding? lol, yes and no.. I type less to get the same result. I call it a force multiplier. Sometimes it feels like it is reading my thoughts but I know it's just reading my previous coding style and adapting to predict it. Neat tech anyways.

If someone trains an AI art bot on MS-paint dick drawings that would be hilarious and disturbing.. Maybe when I get caught up on coding projects I'll have a whack at it. XD


Nah one and nothing can create our perverted art 😛

That's true, anyone can be a great artist or poet with AI. That's why what's being asked is for people to simply state in their posts that the piece of content uses AI. Same as where the piece of content is from elsewhere on the internet. Without that statement we end up with genuine Hive artists and poets having their art overshadowed by machines.

Totally .... yeah links are needed , but honestly you can tell 100% when it is AI and when it is human real art .
At least , it will help to have original art , somehow unique and it will stop using internet photos.

his is no different than what people who claimed to represent the Korean community did pre-Hive. They incited others to vote as they've instructed, they supported the hostile takeover enabling it, and they directly contributed to the theft of millions from innocent witnesses and stakeholders. You are trying to change part of the consensus for a frivolous reason, without taking into mind the security of Hive, just like them. There's no place for a repeat of that in any form on Hive.*

Screw off. You aren't the only "community witness" on the chain. Don't try to compare this situation to JSun colluding with Binance to overwhelm consensus.

I was referring to the 'Korean community'. Not JS and his dealings. That's another matter and unrelated.

You aren't that special. There are at least 5 backup witnesses behind you who will do just fine.

That's not the point. This could've been not about me at all. Asking to change two consensus witnesses like this isn't right. We can argue over HW, over plag, over whatever we want, agree, disagree, but without inciting a consensus change. If people decide to vote however after reading replies that's on them.

People can vote however they want with their stake in governance. Tough luck.

Yes, we agree on that. That's why I'm talking about inciting, which is directing others how to vote.

He can't force them. So, whatever you said is a moot point and pure nonsense.

and what's about witnesses advertising themselves? Inciting, directig others how to vote?
This is ridicolous.

Asking to change two consensus witnesses like this isn't right.

Aha, the finger on the sore. It really hurts when they find and hit you straight on the Achilles heel. ¿Huh?

RE: the edit.

Is AI generated content viewed as an expression of art or free speech? This is an interesting philosophical question to me.. Assuming there is a human in the loop somewhere to give the writing prompt and look at the generated content then sign off on it / post it.. Would that be considered an expression of themselves or?

(Not trying to start a cock joust, this is an honest to god question / talking point for me)

I would say that if you had created the AI tool yourself with your own input then yes. That would be you taking the best of your work and using technology to distill it.

That is the side of the fence I land on too.

100% AI generated and posted with zero human involvement is kinda where I question if I want it.. But as you described above I think it's well within reason to allow. Thanks for the share on your beliefs / thoughts on the matter.

But when we start going after governance that's a problem and it's a problem because if we go back three years, we remember that the original chain was lost in part because one group wanted to alter governance and campaigned against witnesses.

Governance, governance? ...WTF do you know about true Governance? Can't you see that what we are talking here is about overthrow and replace the current corrupt governance?