Let's take a break

I can't take this anymore
I'm tire of your lies
Why do you keep blaming me for your mistakes
I'm tire of your excuses
Why do you keep pertaining
Now i know your love for me isn't genuine


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Don't blame me for walking away
Don't blame me for saying good bye
Don't blame me for getting tire and want to take a break
Don't blame me for leaving you

Cause you started it first
You secretly say goodbye to me
You secretly walk away for me
You show less concern about everything
You don't need to say it's in words
Your actions says it all.

Why are we still together when we don't care for each other
Why do we keep pertaining
Why do we keep lying to ourselves
I'm tire of this
I'm breaking this silence
Let's take a break

Thanks for visiting my blog

I'm @imadear