Neoxian City weekly paper - 2022-10-23


Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly

Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in and join us in our Matrix chat to see what the latest is.

You can create a new account from the portal. BIG NEWS!

In the words of Mr Dragon himself,

"🐲🐉 BIG NEWS GUYS: Do you need to create a Hive Account? You can now do it with Neoxag! For 1500 neoxag, you can create a new hive account (like if you are onboarding a friend, or you just need a new account for something). You go to and click "Sign up"."

Amazing! New hive accounts through our very own Neoxian portal. Very cool!

New Bro/Neoxag Liquidity Pools and Rewards!

We have added a new liquidity pool for Bro/Neoxag. Funded with bro and neoxag and 500 hive reward pool to those providing liquidity!

Read about it here!

post-promotion is back in matrix chat

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Sidenote: Mr Dragon will not vote terrible posts. EVEN IF you win a giveaway.

delegate your workerbee to @neoxianminer.


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Please delegate your WORKERBEE to @neoxianminer if you would like to take part in our mining pool. The aim of this mining pool is to mine BEE whilst earning a little for the neoxian burn fund.

With the burn fund we will then buy back neoxag from the market and burn it.

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Where do you fit into the City of Neoxian?

A lot of people come here and get sucked into the friendliness of our server. Some people want to take on roles in the city, others just want to chat and have a good time. There's nothing wrong with either!

What we haven't seen many of though is those wanting to create new roles and responsibilities for themselves in Neoxian City. Our Dragonmaster Neoxian is always open to new ideas.

Do you have a special talent? Let us see! Join our Matrix chat.
-- we encourage growth here. What benefits us, also benefits you.

We have already started a School, A minetest server, A banking service, games, and so much more.

What can you bring to us?

City of Neoxian Puzzler

Today's Puzzler is going to be a fun one! This is what I like to call the impossible question. Here we go.

If all members of the city of neoxian (excluding Mr Dragon & me - we are off having Dragon lunch somewhere) were hanging off a cliff with lava at the bottom, and you could only save one person and the rest would fall to their fiery death. Which one would you save? And why?

Answers in the comments section please. The most interesting answer will be picked next week.

The prize will be 50 Hive.

As always, to play, you must be a regular member of the city of neoxian.

This weeks Giveaway winners!

Thanks to @rosecane who designed this lovely graphic we can now show you all winners of the giveaways in our server

@WolfyXabi being this weeks top looter by far!

Curation Station!

Our curators regularly scour the whole of Neoxian to find the best and sometimes most undervalued work to send into planetary orbit with our humungous weighted curation trail. If you observe our tribe we have one of the best trending pages and that is because our administration team weight the trail down with their HUGE votes.

These are our picks:

Please note: We only support original content here.We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here.

We also take our tags seriously. So please try and use the relevant tags as we will only vote on those with them. We won't be voting a picture of your cat with SPT for example. SPT is for Splinterlands.

Our best picks of the week will be featured on our weekly newspaper highlights.

Best picks of the week

Our First pick of the week is from @iqbalnindol

Ramp Road and Dense Greenery


Exposure to smartphones

Curated by @sayee

Our next pick of the week is from @jsalvage

If you have a child, at what age do you think it's best to give them a smartphone?/ Look at Science observations !!!


Exposure to smartphones

Curated by @sayee

Our next pick of the week is from @yakubenko

I draw the events that are currently taking place in Ukraine. This is how I see this war.


Awesome piece of art and you define it very well 👍🏽 Also that Lady dog is really cute 😍
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @leonardo817

My first exhibition experience


Wow so it is good start and those are great art pieces. Many congratz to you
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @belug

Jewish Museum in Berlin: get ready to travel back in time and emotions [Eng - Esp]


The author shared some nice traveling story with us all

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @indelvalle65

Delicious carrot cake with orange juice, raisins and almonds, ideal for a snack.[Esp-En]


Carrot cake! That's something new to me! But yet steps looks simple to prepare and have a bite at it !!

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @hopestylist



There is a need to balance things in our life, the act of not letting our online work affect our offline activities and many more, the author write about how to work on this balance

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @peckypeace

My First Splinterlands Battle Won!


The joy of winning your first battle on splinterlands, the author finally got it right after so many times of losing

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @viviehardika

Amazing Lake Toba, Enroute to Samosir Island


The author tells us about Lake Toba, the famous legend there, the tourists favourite as well. The place is amazing.

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @zul212

Visit to Pucok Krueng: See the baths of the kings


The author tells us about his visit to pucok krueng. In those days when his country was a kingdom, the kings of those times usually bath in its clear water.

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @theindiankid

Lying destroys character


The author has made a great post on the topic "Lying destroys character" I do believe that if the relationships are made built on lies then sure that didn't stay that long.

Curated by @bhattg

Our next pick of the week is from @escalona89

How to use the tool to maximize the gains on the hive-LEO&HODL Contest


The author has made a great and detailed post about "How to use the tool".

Curated by @bhattg

This is our weekly edition of NeoxianCity Newspaper. We would like to congratulate all the featured Authors. keep up the high-quality original content-generating work.

Burning 454 neoxag to promote this post!


Neoxian is a Hive Witness



You can vote for @neoxian on HIVE Witnesses

Do you know that you can earn NEOXAG tokens as passive income by delegating HIVE to @neoxiancityvb.


This week's puzzler is amazing, need to think deeply before dropping my answer. I'll be back.

nice job by everyone who makes the Paper a reality.

ooh, and congrats wolfy for being the looter of the week.

Edit :

For this week's puzzler question If I could only save one person, it would have to be none other than my city crush @xawi

She's smart, fierce, funny, and still young so she has a lot ahead of her. I have no doubt saving her will be the right option.

Posted using Neoxian City

hehe thanks Bos I didn't know i am your crush :P XD

Hehe, it was a secret :)

Congrats Xabi for beating everyone clearly. Thanks to Dragon Sir, Mr Ray and all crews of neoxian city.

As for the puzzler I would like to Kitkat. As a gentle man rule we should save ladies and children first if we are in danger or some kind of disaster is threatening our lifes. I did not mean that Kitkat is a kid but she is a lady.

For the second reason we should give priority to protect the new generation than old generation. If new generation still exists they can give brith more new generation. That's the reason why ladies and children are more important than men and senior citizens.

So I decided to choose Kit because she is the youngest and unmarried. So maybe she can bring more generation into this world.

Posted using Neoxian City

Hello, excellent paper of great city. Fantastic Job guys well done.
Before I forget to participate in puzzler again let me just do the needful :P XD

Besides me, if i can save one more citizen then I would definitely go for shrazi.
well, the very first and important reason that he is a father to young kids. This is the only reason I would save Shrazi. No doubt he is a kind human being as well so among all citizens shrazi got a special place in my heart so i will be honest here.
We all know this world is very cruel to kids without fathers so yep i will be saving a father.

PS: most of us are singles so our life is only ours, not anyone else's :P so if we leave this world it might not affect others as much as Shirazi's. Damn i am done with epistle lolz well i am very true to my words hehe

Posted using Neoxian City

WOWOW Thank you Officer, Thanks for your kind words 😇
And reading your comment I am like Proud to be a FATHER

Congrats Xabi Bhayya, looter of the week!!!
Thank you Mr. D, Mr. Ray and curation team for such a wonderful weekly paper once again!!!!
For the puzzler: I would definitely want to save all the citizens and wanna be a hero but due to some restrictions and limitations, if I can only save one then it will be Shrazi.
Reason: First of all, he is my elder brother but the main reason to save him is something different. He is the most clever and intelligent in the family and by saving him, we can have a chance to save others as well. He has a strong personality and can think better in such harsh situations. I believe that this man can get citizens back to life with his magic tricks LOL.

Posted using Neoxian City

Thank you when I read this comment I feel something like Magic tricks

and when I think of the situation I feel like 👇

run run run 😂

Heheh Thanks Fawad for your love words 😇

I would pick @shrazi because he is so good that if I save him, God will be pleased and will save everyone else too.

Posted using Neoxian City

Thank you so much Didi, your words are showering so much love 🙏
I am so lucky that I have an awesome Didi "SAYEE" 😍

Hmmmmm in this case this is something very hard, my answer might sound somewhat stupid and crazy but this is what I think I will do without having any ounce of regret...

Saving one means others will fall to their death so If I am to save one person only I will prefer not to save anybody, I will rather push everybody down myself including myself joining them down that fiery pit, let us all die together..


6 months bond is not a joke to me...
I have been in the city for almost 6 months and in this case I have come to bond and love everybody, I have come to accept them as my family and separating from them will be a live long loneliness for me, so in this case instead of saving only one person and living with the regret of not being able to save the others..

I will willingly sacrifice my life together with theirs and then we all can die together and be together without regret, then possibly when we all die, we will still be together and still bonded as one family even in the after life because life without them will be the same as lifeless life and nothing else to live for....

Bond and family is everything and the Neoxian city is not lesser than LET US ALL HAPPILY DIE TOGETHER AND WE CAN BE TOGETHER IN THE AFTERLIFE

Since I am compelled to save one person even if saving that one person will means loosing my other friends I wlll always be in pain thinking about that I will go for investor burlarj...


He is the driver that drove me to the hive platform, what more can I do than to repay him for all the things he has done in my life. It is very obvious I will save him because after him it's still him for me and that is the fact...

We have been together online and offline, he has now turned into my brother what more can I do if I don't save my brother...

So saving @burlarj means saving my brother...

Thanks Mr D and Mr Ray for your generosity. A job well done to everyone working on the city paper, the paper is an excellent one.

Congratulations to all looters especially xabi being the highest looter of the week.
Also congratulations to all authors whose posts were selected for curation.

For the puzzler, I would love to save everyone but because I can only save one person, I'll have no choice than to save my friend vickoly.

Vickoly has been my very good friend from wayback moreso, he showed me the way to hive block chain, he has also been very supportive and always ready to attend to all my questions. He has contributed immensely to my growth on the platform.
He also showed me the way to the city of Neoxian, he's my mentor and teacher. Therefore saving his life will be a way of repaying him for his generosity.

Posted using Neoxian City

Nice Job for everyone that worked on the city paper. Xabi is the highest looter, congratulations 🎉, and also a big congratulations to all the selected authors.

For this week's puzzler, seeing all the city members including myself as a victim hanging off a cliff with lava at the bottom, seems so scary but who would I save?
I would have loved to save everyone because I see all the city members as my lovely family. The ideas we share, the love, and the bond despite the distances between each and everyone one of us have been amazing 😍. People are everything, they are the shortcut to our success, especially good friends, we need people to succeed in this life, and saving one person out of all the city members isn't my heart's desire knowing the value of good friends in my life.

So because I am a female and not strong/ clever enough to save the city members, I would save @quduus1 (a.k.a, fox 🦊). This is because, I have known fox as a clever person, and my intention of saving him would be for him to "quickly" draw the attention of the dragon 🐲 and Mr. Ray to the rescue of all the city 🌆 members. I am optimistic that if Mr. D and Mr. Ray's attention is drawn immediately to the danger we are in, both of them will find a creative means of saving all the members ❤️

Posted using Neoxian City

There are some excellent/informative posts here! Thanks for promoting quality content posts. I'm way too new here to give an answer to the puzzle but I believe that the comments are going to be very interesting. Great job to all of you :)

Interesting puzzler, but I don't need to think twice before I know who to save.

@quduus1 you haven't given me the $500,000 yet 😂 so you're going nowhere.

Maybe after you've given me then I can push you back in 😂

Posted using Neoxian City

Hehehehe 🤣🤣🤣 lol 🤣🤣🤣, $500,000 heheheh 🤣🤣🤣 lol 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭😲😲😲😁😁

the ideal is to try to save the wisest person in the community so that they can rebuild it more easily. Good luck and thanks to the #Neoxian family for the support

As simple as the puzzle sounds it also feels very sensitive to me. I've been around the city for sometime now and I don't think I want to save just one person but then since I have to save just one, it will have to be @burlarj because I know he is going to save someone else who is going to save someone else and in the end we will realize that everyone will be saved because I know how well citizens try to work as a team and I know this time will not be different ❣️.

Thank you so much daddy for curating my post, you are amazing really 🥰. Hope you had a great day yesterday? I wasn't active at all because I had work to do offline, I hope you pardon me 🥺.

thanks my baby, you right about me wanting to save everyone, wise girl

you deserved the curation, keep dishing out good content dear💖

You're welcome daddy, yes I know you love carrying everyone along, hehehe.

I will dad, hope you are having a great day?

yes dear🙂, wish you a quick recovery too, so you can be active as ever🤗

Daddy? omg, is she your dear gf?

Posted using Neoxian City

she is my blockchain daughter😅

I did not read this conversation btw you and hope burl, woootttt🤭🤭🤭🤫🤫🤫
Ok oo 😂😃😀
Let it not be what I am thinking 🤔

Posted using Neoxian City

ofcourse you also need sometime off the blockchain once in a while and here you are back and strong, so all is well now🙂

Yes I do, well I'm not completely back I'm feeling not too well but I'm sure I will be better soon 😇.

oh what is wrong? malaria?

Yesterday I did too much work and I'm still feeling the effect of it.

Very interesting contents collection curated last week. Some contents really attractive to mine. Good weok by curators and keep it up your works.

Thanks @bhattg Mr. Dragon - the mayor and my beloved neoxian city

Very interesting question of this week's puzzle.
Also good support given to content authors. I like to give thans for curation part of this loving family.

Interesting puzzle. And indeed we are puzzled by this puzzle. I think the one who is the backbone(in the context of who can rebuild the community not just with capital but rather all: capital, labor, tech, time, etc) of the community should be saved.

Congrats @xabi

Isn't is Human tendency and sign in airplanes to save yourself first before you heed to others.

So maybe Second person that I will try to save will be the person who will be having the lightest weight.

Great puzzle though... Let's read some interesting answers

Posted using Neoxian City

Okay... so I got to know about the great neoxian city recently, even though I've not stayed so long there, I've really learned a lot and enjoyed a lot of things (especially the loot😜).

I got sucked into the liveliness of the city and I made friends with beautiful people.Okay, even though this puzzler is just a game, I'd love to save everyone, but since I can only save someone I'd save @sholex94.

It seems sholex has lost his looting powers. When I joined the city newly, he was looting left and right, but now he's living on a doot desert.

If I save sholex, I'll have the doots all to myself.

Now, the question is, what if he regains his looting powers immediately after I save him?

Posted using Neoxian City

@justfavour 🤣🤣🤣 don't worry I'll renew my winning power soonest.

Anyways thanks man, atleast you saved me. ✌️

Posted using Neoxian City

this question is very clinical. The first person to save is myself because i am also part of citizens. if i did not safe myself, how can i safe others?
probably if there is a room to save someone after i save myself, i will safe the person closed to where i am. since we are all citizens, i will save any person near where i am.
if i say sayee is our mother in the city, i want try to safe her and then she is in the extreme edge of the roof where i can't reach: if i try to save her i may even fall which simply mean i am gone already.

therefore, my safety first, then i can now think how to safe anyone near where i am if i am opportune.
in this kind of scenario where we all in the scene, saving myself will be my first priority. i can't even think of saving someone first because we are all in danger.
it is like death is pursuing everyone and i said, i want to safe someone first before me.

Posted using Neoxian City

Wao....interesting puzzler. Got me confused.

Thanks for your support @neoxian-city

Kudos Mr D and to all the workers of neoxian city, I meant the curators and congratulations to all the selected post of the week...

I will be back for the puzzler 😲🥵🥵🥵🤔😎😎😎

Posted using Neoxian City

Our Dragonmaster Neoxian is always open to new ideas.

That's really great and I love that. I liked the post selection and all are deserving. Keep supporting us! Thanks for sharing this weekly paper 💖💝💓

Hehehehe interesting puzzler!

Well, I'm going to save Burl. If I don't save the looters King, who will?

Lovely Paper of an Awesome City 😍
Nice picks by fellow curators and Wowo a nice puzzlr too hehe

For Puzzlr 👇

I will Save Rosecane 😁


in short, because he is my brother (real one) 😍
in long, He came to our lovely city with a main target to be a famous looter and in few days or weeks he did that and then he find a unique job to show off the LOOTER of the week 🤣 we were just looted too much and point others... but now we have a proof and we can easily check the paper and his graphic to know about the real looter of the week 😅
Like Xabi bhayya, looted the doot 5 Times.. in 7 days... WOW

interesting question, I in particular would give another chance to the youngest person within the Neoxian community

Congratulations to Xabi the looter of the week, and also to the silent looter at b0s.

For this week puzzle I'll save sholex.

Reason being that he's my close friend we've known each other since like forever and the best I can am do save an old Pal because we're all we've got.

Posted using Neoxian City

Hmm @vickoly my bro from another mother 🥰🥰

Posted using Neoxian City

Congratulations xabi the looter. Thumbs up to Mr. D and all those that worked on this paper.

Posted using Neoxian City

Congratulations @xabi and very nice picks curations. Ray the puzzler is very interesting - will be difficult to choose - but will do so and edit later.

Posted using Neoxian City

i am also a member of the city
Which means am among the victims hanging off a cliff with lava at the bottom
Who would i save?
I will save burl the eagle with the speed of light
not out of self interest but out of self reliance as i can't trust anyone else to complete the mission i want to embark on, the mission to try and save the others
i can only save one person and i choose myself
but someone else can save the others
My mission is to find the mighty dragon wherever he is to come save his citizen
he has been doing it for long
here comes another but this time, he need to save everyone
he has the power and he definitely won't hesitate to wield it for his lovely citizens
i won't just be saving myself but the whole city💖

This week's puzzler is a tough one indeed. So if I would have to so save only one of the guys, I would go for @sharzi. The peaceful guy!

  • They say we live in the memories of those who love us. @shrazi loves each and every one of us, no doubt about that. So after we all die, the best place to be in would be in memories of city's loving peaceful man.

  • Second, if only one of us is to survive, that guy needs to be the one that best represents everyone. After we all die, @shrazi would be the best representation of us. In him the world would know who we all were.

  • And may be after we all were gone, @shrazi could remember us in some of his illustrations time to time!


Thanks Xabi bhayya, I don't want to even think of this situation...
May you all have long life, with good health and wealth AMEEEEEEEEEN

Thanks for your support @neoxian-city

Thank you for this!! <3 And congratulations to the other creators!!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Thank you so much for the support, I really appreciate it 😊❤️