Destructive Attitude! πŸ™„

in DCooperation β€’ 2 years ago


Hello Friends, Greetings πŸ™πŸ˜Š

For this writing Monday I found a good idea to prepare a small writing dedicated to analyzing this old concept in psychology about the erroneous areas of a person's life and how to avoid them. I learned this a long time ago and I would like to share my reflection about the most important points of it.

Destructive attitude:
As a first side to avoid from every human being, they are the destructive attitudes that we all have and with which it costs us to deal with, weak points in all of us who make our progress as a human being difficult.

These destructive attitudes are presented in various forms, it may well be frequent emotions such as anger or direct actions when it is incurred as it would be raising the denying voice facts, lying, blaming others etc. The point is that these are defined by making it difficult for each person's progress, for itself and affecting those around you.

A good way to end them is acceptance, because it is the only way to move forward and find a nearby or at least start to deal with what makes us so much harm, as a person and individual with a healthy psychological profile normally want happiness And freedom, this alone can be reached by oneself, seeking individual realization and reaching the goals that we propose ourselves, large or small only reaches them giving the first step.

As you can create structures in your being to stop you, you are who is capable of breaking them. Destructive attitudes, is like walking without seeing.

@sandracarrascal wrote a beautiful and thoughtful post on A journey of love and life

Searching for what we really do not understand does not make any sense, instead, it is preferable to evaluate situations in which we may be willing to be able to assume in some way suffering or pain, so that in this way we do not feel wrong and in this way we manage to understand that love in some opportunities is not always good if we do not understand it in its essence.

My entry for the DCC contest organized by @clixmoney, check out the contest post here
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