Bits And Bobbles

in Daily Bloglast month


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The past forty-eight hours since The Great Tire Escape have been a bit of a whirlwind! Claim forms were filled out, contingencies were enacted, and my carcass had to debrief from the stress onslaught. It was a good time.


But, there was also some things of amazingness interspersed throughout the not so fun, grown-up task completing. Our little town decided to start a Maine Street market and the hubs and I checked out the inaugural event. It's pretty cool when your friends and neighbors start a thing. You learn stuff like the mom of a kid who you coached in volleyball also makes the most amazing wrapped copper jewelry. Stuff like that.


The market is in its infancy, so there were only a bit over a dozen vendors, but the hubs and I feel like its going to do nothing but grow, and we enjoyed our stroll through the vendors accompanied by a banjo soundtrack from our local pottery extraordinaire Brad S.


I was really impressed with the quality of the goods. There were perfect little macarons, grass fed beef, and even pretty jars of farm raised and processed lard. Times are definitely a-changing round here.

Speaking of changing, since our girl's SUV is out of action, we had to push up our time table of much-needed car maintenance chores. My car desperately needed new rotors and an oil change, the Rufus needed glow plugs, a fuel filter swap, and an exhaust bracket installed, and as I have one child who is just finishing up his first year in mechanic training and a hubs who was career military and can fix pretty much anything, well, you can bet those jobs were being done here on the farm.

I just wish I recorded the commentary. My favorite moment came when I was taking a breather from potting on tomato sprouts. The boy and the hubs had finished the rotor job and were putting the finishing touches on the oil change. The hubs was razzing the boy about his sloppiness as a mechanic, my daughter was behind the wheel of the car so she could turn over the engine when requested. They were all roasting each other in the most loving of way that is our family in action.

Laughter ensued.


While my daughter headed to work and my son tinkered on his Toyota, I finally got around to the bobble part of this post. Today, we are heading up to Newport to go to the Renaissance Faire that my dear friend, the town librarian is hosting. Last year I grew a TON of strawflowers, and I really wanted to make some hair pieces with the beautiful dried blooms that I preserved last fall.

I am not sad with how they turned out.


Strawflowers are so delicate and gorgeous. They dry perfectly, their color never fades. And they look rather smashing hot glued to felt on the end of bobby pins. I'm just a little excited to wear them with my rural peasant ren faire get up.

And on that note, I better go get ready. I have so many posts that I need to sit down and get written up, but as anyone who homesteads knows, there be tons of work this time of year, and no one who farms be sittin' on their rear...

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's relieved it escaped the terror that is the author with a glue gun iPhone.


I had good intentions of checking out that local market but something else came up and I didn't get there. Glad to know it was a good event!

I really enjoyed it and I hope the little market continues to go and grow. I saw they had to cancel this last week's one due to weather, which I completely understand, so maybe this week will be pleasant and attendable!


The forecast is not encouraging...

It sure isn't! Today is about as gloomy as can be, but at least the rain stopped!

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I love the market atmosphere
I’m glad you were able to get some quality things

Markets are the coolest! I hope you had a glorious weekend!!


“the terror that is the author with a glue gun iPhone.” LOL!! Glad your straw flowers turned out so well!


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