Freedive San Remegio | Never Knew What Lies Beyond Until I Explored The Unknown . . .

in Freediving2 years ago

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When I was still a child, my family would always head to a small town called San Remegio up north of Cebu, Philippines to spend our summer days at the beach. I could always recall how excited I and my siblings were when classes would be over for the year and our parents would announce we were staying at our ancestral home for the next two months. Those were the days!


I grew up loving the beach and spending hours playing with the sand until sunsets would creep in over the horizon and mom would come to the shore shouting our names for us to come home. Well, our house was just directly across the beach. So if we weren't inside the house, we were running across the wide stretch of fine sand or catching small fish or collecting shells with our cousins.

The beach in San Remegio has been popular among locals from neighboring towns and until recent years tourists from the south too would come visiting this place to enjoy a swim or some leisure time with their families. It was said that the beaches here were rich in marine life however fishermen were using dynamites back then and slowly and surely destroyed the marine ecosystem. Not sure how long but dynamite fishing has been prohibited now.



A few kilometers from the shore one can happily enjoy swimming under the sun since the sand is fine and the water is crystal clear. However, beyond that, seaweeds conquers the seafloor with plentiful of sea urchins lying around and so we were prohibited from going beyond since childhood and somehow it stuck with us even till we grew up.



Not until my younger sister recently insisted we explore the unknown. Well, she and my dad managed to discover a long pipeline stretching into the open sea last year and she wanted to go back. Yet despite that, I hesitated as I thought there were no corals or colorful fishes we can find out there because of the history of dynamite fishing. And oh boy was I proven wrong when I finally gave in as she told me that since I already knew how to freedive, it should be easy for me to dive deeper and prove myself wrong. Oh, I couldn't refuse the challenge!



So, did I enjoy freediving in my hometown?
Was I able to find thriving marine life far beyond?

Well, watch the video till the end! 😉

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Wow❣️ Just, wow... you did some incredible free diving here...and you guys go quite deep. That's super impressive. The videography was stunning... really smooth and had wonderful transitions. The music in the background is gorgeous too - so peaceful and the freediving looks very graceful 💖

Hubby and I have our PADI Advanced Open Water Diver accreditation but haven't dived in a few years now... not since kids !LOLZ. We have dived in South Africa and Australia. I have to say that my favourite Dive was one we did in Australia... we were not too far out on the boat and we were diving in a small group and there was nothing to see...and I mean really no real sign of sea life... then we came up over a little 'wall' and literally fell into this giant magical aquarium in the ocean teeming with spectacular sea life... the most gorgeous coloured fish, corals, seaweed... it was such an incredible experience. Took my breath away! I have also dived with a variety of shark... surprising how not dangerous they are...but then we didn't come across any great whites thankfully! I think swimming with the whale sharks has to be the epitome of a diver's dreams come true. That must have been an incredible experience. They are so majestic and such gentle creatures of the deep. Do you have any pics from back then? A post? Would love to see if you do 💗


I don't think the flounder I caught today was very happy with me.
He kept looking at me kinda sideways.

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 2 years ago  

not since kids

I swear this made me laugh! 😂 You should get back underwater and bring the "kids" with you. It would be great they start loving the ocean and all marine life at a very young age!

this giant magical aquarium in the ocean teeming with spectacular sea life... the most gorgeous coloured fish, corals, seaweed..

My imagination wouldn't probably do me justice but I can say you experienced one of life's bliss. You have a video or photos of this so that I might drool of jealousy! 😂 I think every time we are underwater is an opportunity to free ourselves from the worries and problems of the world and be able to free our minds and connect well with mother nature. Diving in Australia is the main reason this country is in my bucket list! I would love to swim with the giant humpback whales! 😊 That would be the ultimate goal in freediving for me.

I have also dived with a variety of shark... surprising how not dangerous they are.

I've been watching a couple of videos in the past and I truly learned to appreciate these marine animals as they are needed to balance the ecosystem! True indeed they are harmless unless provoke or when they are hungry.

Swimming with the whale sharks was also a dream come true! Thought you'd never ask about a video of it! 😜 Watch it here or in 3speak. I'm so proud of this! I know for sure you will enjoy it!

Oh my, you must've had a pretty amazing childhood then! I can't imagine the fun y'all must've had living so near to the beach!

And oh my freaking goodness! Did you really go deep sea diving? Damn, now that's hella impressive!

I watched the whole video and your shots were as professional as they were beautiful!!!! AMAZING!

Also, are you sure that pipeline wasn't just some huge fibre optic internet cable? You know the type that connects countries together or something like that lol?

 2 years ago  

your shots were as professional

Thank you! I make do with whatever creativity I have! But I just also found my passion for video editing recently and I still need to improve a lot!

You can check out my other freediving videos here. My favorite one was freediving with the whalesharks!

The pipeline was built like 30 years ago or more. That I know of because that beach was also used as a port back then so it was probably built as an underwater sewer pipe.

I see, I see. You're doing pretty well for yourself so far though.

Alright, so it's a pipeline then. LoL. I'll be surely to check your videos out!

I absolutely love freediving - it feels like flying. I could do it all day long. And my lungs had never been better! It's been a while though, I think I'd ahve to retrain!

 2 years ago  

You describe it pretty well! - Flying underwater! 😍 Same here though, I try to freedive atleast once a month so that I can never forget the feeling!

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That looks so peaceful and serene!

 2 years ago  

Thank you @brucegryllis! I think the sea is peaceful and serene in general unless the there is a storm! 😅

Ouch! I'd hate to step on one of those!

The ultra rare mask fish..

 2 years ago  

trueeee! I already stepped a couple of them before but never again!

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The beautiful beach and horizon complemented the shots, corals, and colors of the underwater world. I !LUV the tiny blue fish and the background music. I could watch and listen to this all day. LOL. Thanks for sharing. 😁 !PIZZA

Upvoted on behalf of the VYB Curation Project - please feel free to use our community tag #VYB to earn both #VYB and #POB tokens from community curators and others Hiver who hold the tokens.

 2 years ago  

Thank you @samsmith1971! This is an amazing project! will check it out.

No problem :-)

Oh sea urchins! I remember when I was still young my mother would take us to the sea to catch those for viand. Another perfect and amazing shots.

 2 years ago  

Thank you for dropping by! I never tried eating sea urchins before!

You're welcome miss Clar. It's delicious and expensive to other places. It's a must try.

These are some beautiful underwater scenes! And how cool, to have memories of doing something so unique and special with family! I love it :)