Turtle Machine in a Rice Field


There are many things the machine could do to help a person lighten their job and make it easier to do. Also, just like this turtle machine, the job will be done faster. Although the expenses are getting higher and higher. It's to be expected since most of us rely on technology. It's not a bad thing anyway since a job can be finished immediately can lead into claiming the rewards early. It's still a win-win situation even though it requires a much amount.


A rice field needs to have soft soil before planting the rice crops. A process is necessary since planting rice is done 3 times a year. Before getting ready the field after the harvesting of rice the soil got harder back. I'm not well knowledgeable on how to explain but on my guess; I think the soil gets harder because of the roots and the changing weather. Even though the soil is hard during the older rice plant. They can survive eventually because of their age.


So a turtle is a #diy machine being used to soften the land. It can remove the grasses like what carabao do during plowing the field. The only difference is that it can not totally dig deeper. Unlike the work of a Carabao that can plow a land deeper. It's important to plow fields deeper since we want the nutrients of the land to be dug out. The work of a turtle and a carabao may be the same but both of them must be used in plowing a rice field.


Upon observing the person who is driving the turtle. I think the sole purpose of it is to remove the grasses but at the same time, make the soil softer. Instead of the number of people to work in removing the grasses. They hired a turtle instead and then it worked better than the manpower could do.


That's what a turtle machine #diy can do. Though, there are some who don't hire a turtle because it's a little bit expensive. It is okay not to hire anyway when you let a carabao do the job. You just need to follow the path of a carabao while pulling a plow. Then remove the grasses that the carabao dug out. You can save money but you can not save time. It's up to you to decide which is beneficial to you. All I understand is that a Turtle Machine is very important.

Thank you for reading

This was the successful distribution of school supplies at Anislagon Elementary School.

This was my previous post about asking for support for school supplies.




I just did it on my own this time even though I did not receive support.

This was my first ever asking for support.


This was my first sponsorship.


By the way, I am accepting hive/hbd in my store.


All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone.

You can find me here:

discord - mrnightmare89#2161


 5 months ago  

Dear @mrnightmare89. Your publication is not related to architecture and design. Please review our Community Content Criteria for the correct topics allowed here. Thank you.


dang...agriculture was I saw..sorry, you can just hide my post.very sorry