AteXoras 🍻 Pub Gathering - New Year, new ideas!

in Pubs β€’ 2 years ago
Authored by @forykw

This Pub will open weekly on the Pubs Community with the purpose of acting as a place to meet, socialize, exchange information, get free stuff, you get the idea for HIVE's sake!

We also have a Live Scratch Paper where you can find all the current up-to-date information about this project.

(made by @swayzilla and donated via NFT Showroom)


There are some changes going forward on this Pub. But first, let's commemorate a very important achievement. The new HIVE node from @atexoras.witness generated the first block:

2270974ms witness_plugin.cpp:344        block_production_loo ] Generated block #60641772 with timestamp 2022-01-04T19:37:51 at time 2022-01-04T19:37:51

So it's now official that the witness node successfully signed/produced a block.


πŸ‘‰ Vote for Witnesses πŸ‘

Hive-Engine here (voting uses staked WORKERBEE)
HIVE here (voting uses staked HIVE)

Each account can vote for 30 witnesses maximum and each vote is proportional to the amount of HIVE Power staked by your account. Alternatively, you can also proxy your votes through someone you trust... it's usually best to exercise the vote, but if you can't or you don't have a formed opinion, this is also an option.

A very cool tool created by @cadawg, that makes it easier for links to be generated for voting for witnesses, is an example of how anyone can vote for witnesses. Just use the link and replace the "account" with a real hive account (with the @ sign). An example for @atexoras.witness will be,

Once following the link, voters can check some basic details of the witness, such as the version of the node that produced the last block, their witness post, and any message they wish to show. You can then use either Hive Keychain or HiveSigner to vote (it will use your Active key).

Happy voting!

(The Pub uses @forykw as a proxy for voting, but as this Pub is supposed to be a team, let us know if we wish to form a sort of voted consensus and we can start updating independently who to vote on every gathering)

The Pub Changes!

Not yet effective but for discussion in here, as we want everyone to be a part of this.

So, the Pub Gatherings have been monolithically been written by @forykw (no one should be surprised right LOL), but to be honest, that's not the objective! The idea is to collaborate and make sure everyone's contribution is being appreciated. We love to learn, share and promote good content. This is the way!

That being said and being this a season of vacations on the southern hemisphere of our crazy Earth... what would you mates (girls and boys) think if the Pub would start sharing a reward (%) for topics contributed to the Pub? These could be curated by anyone, still with at least as a benefactor of some of that rewards.

Currently, only the Helpers have access to the posting authority of the Pub, but we want to think beyond that. So, if you wish to contribute with a topic... here's an idea of what you would need to do, for it to be reviewed... and then published under the Pub Gatherings!

Experimental Process (under discussion)

First, write down your content on a page and then either reach out @forykw (for now) with the link on Discord or send an encrypted memo with that link to the account (ping @forykw please on Discord for now).

Then your content will be reviewed (by @forykw) and published in the next Pub Gathering. There will be 10% rewards available to be distributed among contributors. Your account will be under it, referring to the author of that content.

So, let's get to an example...

Imagine that @forykw is the only contributor of an insight... then, the Gatherings rewards will be as follow...

  • 10% equally divided by the contributors (in this case, it will be 10% for 1 contributor)
  • 10% to the current Pub image creator... (these change over time)
  • 5% to (to support new initiatives by anyone on HIVE)
  • 5% to @peakd (because without them we can't take this format)
  • 70% to to be converted to BEE token and contribute to the upcoming parties... announced on the Live Scratch Paper
How to decide about content...

Any contributor can ask about when anyone's contributions will take place and make a decision on when his will/should be effective. The content will not be shared for now between contributors... only @forykw has the memo key. It's up to the contributors to share their content for review with others, otherwise @forykw will assume he's the one reviewing and making a final decision.


Let us know how you feel about these... and any other recommendations/suggestions. The next gathering will reflect any changes decided during this gathering. You have the power! Find consensus... and there we go!

Future plans...

More discussions on these will come by end of January. Until then, relax, look for other people's HIVE content and have fun in the Pub.

🎁 Active #Giveaways

This section will be used to register the status of running giveaways initiatives.

  • The every gathering #NFT 🎈 giveaway (we donate one on every Pub gathering):


The AteXoras 🍻 Pub Gatherings is an initiative from the HIVE-Engine ATX token (@atexoras), supported by the @atexoras.witness. You can join the AteXoras Discord server and visit the #pub-support for any queries in regards to the Pub.

Sort: Β 

Crafted guitar is a nice giveaway for the pub, Rising Star is still a huge part of the Hive gaming community here. Currently grinding out the Manager recruitment mission in hopes of moving forward to the last area.

If there's interest in running another Splinterlands contest, I'll put up 250,000 SBT tokens to the pub as prizes - largely a token that is specifically designed to be awarded for good battles/sharing battles.

Thanks again @forykw for pointing me towards the Primersion repo for snapshots, greatly sped up the process of getting the Hive Engine Witness (@blockgolem) online. Might not be able to validate many blocks, but it's a good learning experiment getting it running (writing documentation around that is on my to-do list).

Having other people write parts of the posts for the pub is a cool idea, especially if people want to own different areas of content. Always good to get a variety of reading in when having some !PIZZA and !BEER. Cheers!

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Yeah... I have a ton of backlog when I am back. Nice you are onboard... Once I am back, I will give a few more to go, if by then you don't get them first (as you look like a very quick learner).


Congratulations, @forykw You Successfully Shared 0.200 WINEX With @fwxiii.
You Earned 0.200 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/4 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.272

Hope everyone had a good Christmas break. I did and was able to onboard my son to Hive. Checkout his first post if you get a chance.
He is working on an intro but I think I need to help him set up on this mobile phone with keychain so he can post regularly.
Just voted for my first witness.
I am not really experienced enough with all things hive to have much an option on pub set up and possible changes. I just enjoy and find the weekly updates interesting and educational as well as what everybody else adds in the comments.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I will check it out for sure. Been a bit absent this week... enjoying wild life :P Will come back for more later.

Wow a crafted guitar. @solymi has to get into crafting in rising star.
I would love the pub to be a virtual pub in some metaverse. Where people can meet up on fridays and then revisit the space during the weekend. Donated NFT art could be displayed there and. Dlux maybe?
Or to set up the pub as an RPG The author being the bartender. Asking what peeps would like to drink. The "players" entering would have a setting they arrive into.
For example the Mos Eisley bar

Splinternews storms in and heads straight for the bar. On his way he collides with a droid serving drinks and grabs all of the Mos Eisley Cryptobrews drinking them as he continues to the bar.
-hey @forykw I am thirsty it has been a long week and I was gathering hiveium in the mines. Boba Fett is paying premium for LARYNXIUM. The more hiveum you hold the more LARYNXIUM you can gather. Give me a keg of your best HASHKING whine! And ask @solymi if he can drop some BEERS!

He smashes a hiveum coin on the bar and turns to the band.

-PLay up today is a day to celebrate!

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Your thoughts are not far away from what I have envisioned πŸ€—


Will get to this tomorrow or after…

Conscious Cat sits quietly in the corner sipping her red wine. She watches and listens and ponders what the heck everyone is talking about. She thinks @solymi is quite cool, so she copies him, sipping her wine as he sips his beer. But that whole Splinterlands game he and @new.things and @forykw are into (plus, apparently, a few hundred thousand other people...) she just can't get jazzed about spending her time learning about it.

So she sips her wine, and listens without really hearing, and ponders life, and... wonders who put this song on the juke box, again. @new.things is trying hard to include her in the conversation, bless him. She understands a word here and a word there. It's like being in another country where everyone else speaks a language she learnt for a term or two at school, 20 or 30 years ago.

She sips her wine. She enjoys watching @forykw's excitement about the process of becoming a witness. She makes a mental note to ask @new.things to teach her how to vote so she can ceremoniously add her somewhat dusty vote. She knows it's not worth much, but a vote of confidence for JosΓ©'s ability to do this important role is possibly almost as important.

She sips her wine and remembers her week, two weeks, since she last sat in the pub surrounded by these lovely people who talk about things she doesn't really understand.

She was stoked to win a contest in the Ladies of Hive for a post she was genuinely proud of. She was grateful to get a shout out ecoTrain for their weekly curation post for a different post that she was also proud of. She bravely created a piece of street art (even though she definitely does not consider herself an artist) and bravely dropped it off in a contest in a community by the same name, and while that contest hasn't ended, she realises she's not attached to the outcome because, again, she's proud of her efforts.

All up, Conscious Cat reflects, as she sips her wine, she feeling pretty proud and pretty grateful this week. It's been a good week, even if she still has no idea what the heck her !LUV ly pub mates are talking about 😁 !LOL

@consciouscat(3/4) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Can't live with it can't live meow it., I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @consciouscat
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (3/6)

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

So much progress on these amazing πŸ˜»β€¦ so nice to see this.

I have resting in sort of a paradise for non-kids free, aka, be with them 24hours/7… it has been a hell of a parody and life lesson learn for them… hard one for parents but at the end the experience will be worth it.

!WINE helped and !LUV too… and yes quick !PIZZA to keep the party going. !LOL I am destroyed today πŸ€ͺ

I will catch you all in some days. Cheers πŸ₯‚

Awwwh, you sound tired @forykw 😌 Thanks for the love πŸ€— I hope you are able to recuperate, in the small spaces and gaps and interludes enough to get you through 'til you have a tad more kid free time again ❀️

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

I was a bit... but now I am back! untitled.gif

!LOL πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ƒ

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

Credit: thales7
@forykw, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @consciouscat
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)

Congratulations, @forykw You Successfully Shared 0.300 WINEX With @consciouscat.
You Earned 0.300 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/4 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.272

The punch line comes first.
The worst thing about time travel jokes is…

@consciouscat, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @forykw
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)

@forykw(1/5) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Hi, new.things invited me to comment here. I have only just started learning all this after some mates at work where talking about crypto. I was able a get bit of Hive and some other coins while it was low last year and am only now just stating off with this.

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Thanks for coming and let us know what you think so far and what other things you are interested about.

Have some !BEER or !WINE with !PIZZA

Congratulations, @forykw You Successfully Shared 0.100 WINEX With @crackyup.
You Earned 0.100 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 1/4 Successful Calls.


Contact Us : WINEX Token Discord Channel
WINEX Current Market Price : 0.272

Β 2 years agoΒ Β 

Here is some proper reception...


With lots of !LUV

@forykw(1/5) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

And the winner of this gathering #NFT 🎈 giveaway is @failingforwards!


The Prize is underway!


Β 2 years agoΒ (edited)Β 


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
forykw tipped fwxiii (x1)
forykw tipped splinternews (x1)
forykw tipped consciouscat (x1)
forykw tipped crackyup (x1)
@failingforwards(2/5) tipped (x1)
fwxiii tipped (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Hey, here is a little bit of BEER from @solymi for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER., this comment has been manually curated with LUV

Wow a crafted guitar.