
Awesome! That must of been so exciting to see your first moose!!
I'm still excited each time I see them lol
I've been enjoying your trip ❤ @corvidae! Looks like great weather
until you hit the rain! You are making real good time on those many miles!

I hope I get to see more. I'm currently in Valdez (it takes a while to catch up on posts) and it's raining like a mofo. Does it usually rain this much up here in August? My gawd! I had to buy new rain gear.

Wow already in Valdez, when do you think you will be heading to Homer?
Be cool to see you when you go by! :-) Oh yes it can rain a lot after summer
solstice, usually the few weeks before solstice is the clearest here on the
Kenai peninsula. But then its real dry and need the rain to turn it green.
Then it doesn't stop and eventually turns to snow lol
The best time for autumn colors is the first couple weeks of September.
Gonna stay for winter?

Definitely not staying for winter, lol. Actually I'm already home, now. There was a lot of rain in Homer but I did get a few glimpses of the amazing backdrop!

I might visit Anchorage in February for the dog sled thingy and to skate on a pond.

Awesome to hear you made it back ❤ @corvidae!
I was wondering if all was ok when I didn't see any postings
from you for a number of days. Love your posts btw! You
have a great way of describing the experience! I really enjoy
reading them! What day did you make it to Homer?
A winter visit how cool is that! ❄ Pun intended lol :-)

We were in Homer the 11th-13th of August. We camped at the Homer Spit Campground. It's a neat little strip on the spit, with all the shops!

I'm glad you enjoy my posts! I'm still getting used to being grounded so it's been hard to get myself to finish the next one since all I want to do is spend my time outdoors. I miss seeing so much sky all day long, even when it was grey.

I had a hunch you would be down this way around that
time, The 11th is when I had day surgery to get my eyes fixed!
That's one thing that always amazes me most is the
huge sky here! The Homer Spit is awesome to visit, lots of
eagles and sometimes whales spouting and the mountains
are so pointy across the bay. There use to be a lady there
called The Eagle Lady, she was the only one allowed back
then to feed them.

Enjoy the outdoors while ya can! :-)