Regrouping 反省会

After a pretty exciting couple of laid back, nothing-out-of-the-ordinary, chill neighborhood days we have been talking about our current direction and what we need to be focused on.

My partner, who will forevermore be referred to as 🐻 , has been making a lot of progress with her clothing and accessories.

Two nights ago I was in the public square, a place where young energetic people and older alcoholics play and sometimes random passerby’s sit and people watch or chat with a friend, or people gather for folk or rap performances.

I recognized two people wearing her hats, and they were total strangers. Her hats have been selling out of our friends shop and around half of our friends are wearing them now.

I act as her producer helping her decided prices, what to focus on and how to manage her social media. It may sound like I am trying to take some credit for her success, but ai an not, her work basically sells itself 😆 but she isn’t great at time management or dealing with strangers so I try to help her with whatever I can.

She used to have a hard time dreaming big but now it seems she is even more ambitious than me in the long term.

We are thinking about doing some pop—ups in the near future and have been discussing how to go about it. We want to do something together but we aren’t sure the best eay to integrate my music or writing or language lessons. We want to make it more of a chance to connect with new people than to make a few extra bucks. We are thinking more long term.

We started talking about how we could improve our trajectory and fix some of out problems and we realized that both of us have the same issue. We aren’t consistent. We decided that we both need to spend at least 20 minutes a day on our craft no matter what. Even if we have work, even if we are busy, even if we aren’t in the mood.

Obviously if we are into it we will go much longer than 20 minutes.

For her it’ll be her yarn and for me guitar or potentially other instruments in the future or even playing with recording software.

After 3 days I aready notice a difference in my mood towards my art. I realizes I have around 30-40 unfinished songs and this practice will probably lead to accouple of them maturing to the point where I want to share them.

Meanwhile she is kicking ass. She’s already resupplied her stock from the last flea market, making 6 new hats and a bunch of tiny decorations. She needs a big stock of finished goods though so we can put her then in multiple stores and also hold pop up shops with lots of choices. I imagine she will be ready within a month.

Meanwhile I an tasked with figuring out how to use this kind of event to promote my various work, and how to make sure they don’t feel awkward and out of place with each other or with her.

I love the progress we are making. Hopefully it’ll go smoothly and we can keep this upward trajectory going strong!

日本に住むの一番慣れないところ The hardest thing to get used to in Japan















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Have you ever made a hat song? ;^)
You might score a hattrick with that.

hats off to you if you make one!

Caps for sale caps for sale. 50 cents a cap!


Now I’m so curious about those hats! I would love to see a picture 🤗

I can feel the creative power and ambition in your words, it’s very inspiring.
Right now I don’t know how to move forward and which one of my creative projects I should pursue more, but reading about your plans makes me feel like I’m close to getting a new hint 👍❤️

The first one was taken by me so it’s an ugly pic and the second is mostly winter hats, I’ll get some better pics next time 😆

I think whatever has the most friction at the moment deserves 20 minutes a day 😃 i hope you get back into a good rhythm soon!


Ooh, they look great! Each one so unique 😃❤️ I can imagine people loving them, they give everyone the opportunity to express their unique style and taste.

It’s amazing watching her grow as an artist. At first I wasn’t really into her hats but I couldn’t say that so directly. Now I love them!!! Thank you for the kind words

It sounds like you’re both growing in your individual pursuits and that your growing together and supporting each other, which is so beautiful 🤗❤️

I can imagine the kind of joy you’d have in you seeing strangers who wore your woman’s hat. It means they love her designs cos it isn’t possible to buy what you don’t love
I’m glad!