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RE: Squirrel in our garden!

in Threespeak4 years ago

Hahaha, how did you guess Hannes.
Those pipes screamed like a vengeance all night long and we fell asleep around 3am this morning. Flying objects kept bumping into to the roof and we have never had this experience before. Can you believe that even our heavy cast iron chairs were tipped over. The garden is a mess and a lot is broken.

But I am not complaining as you know what I will say 😄

Cheers and thanks!


Such is life 😁 ... sorry for the Smiley

I know similar from our cabin in the mountains when I was young. The wind didn't blow that hard, of course, but inside you felt like being outside and the whole cabin was shaking 🤣

I hope the damage isn't as bad as it sounds and that the storm has already moved on to somewhere else.

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah indeed 😁,

Well you were lucky in that cabin, as if the wind was running at the speeds that does here, you and that cabin would have found yourselves in Australia 🤣

The pesky after winds gave us a hard time with the work on the carport this morning, but I strengthened the frame and the new roof is on.
Now it's only the finishing left that I will do during the new week!

By tomorrow all should be calm again and a couple of nice days before the next storm arrives!

I hop that you were able to get a ride in today Hannes?

Cheers and thanks!

That's right, your wind speeds would have blown the cabin at least down into the valley 🤣 lol

You have been busy today and have done a lot of work, and so did I: it began to rain and so I've been sitting on the computer since the morning. I have edited quite a lot of photos and made a post on Travelfeed which I need to finish before it goes online at 7 pm. I have added also a video on Youtube for this post which doesn't want to upload. I hope to get it done in time.

Cheers and !BEER

Glad to see that you have had some loose time to do a lot of work Hannes.
I have to share this with you! I don't like to sit here at the PC.
Don't get me wrong as I love the friendships that I have built up here with solid guys like you, but all of the sitting is not good for me.

Be that as it may, you got a lot of work done and I hope that you will get it all uploaded. Nothing to deflate a person more after hard work and the uploading goes squank!

All of the best to your efforts and fortunately my post uploaded with no pain lol.

Cheers and thanks!

Well, I'd prefer to be outside too, but as you know, I edit my photos 😉 lol

The YouTube video still doesn't work and Travelfeed didn't publish the post, so I had to copy all text to Ecency and upload also the images once again. The video might work tomorrow or I'll try to upload it again.

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yeah, if you can't ride, then edit mate, both is good for you!

Strange, as I have uploaded a video into YouTube and placed it into 3Speak a few days ago, but maybe there's a problem somewhere.

A tedious affair this I know. So you posted in Ecency, okay I will go and look.

Btw. I struggled to claim in my PeakD wallet for 3 days, but received advice to change the nodes and now it's working again.
All to do with the prep for the new HardFork!

Cheers and thanks!

It hangs at 95% - the upload was fast but the YouTube software doesn't want to process. If it still doesn't work tomorrow I'll upload it again.

It doesn't matter if I post with Ecency - the posts are on as well as on which I both use as well, depending on what I do ;)

I hope the hard fork will run smoothly like the last ones.

Cheers and !BEER

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