Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question - "Are you afraid of your own success?"


Hello beautiful people.

Today I wish to share the Abundance.Tribe's Bi Weekly Question. These questions were initially posted just for the members within the tribe, but now we have decided to open them up to everyone on the hive platform and in doing so share some of our Abundance.

We are living in a time, where it has never been more important to ask questions. So that we can stay informed and begin to understand and see the bigger picture in all of this. This can only be achieved by doing our own research, because the majority of information that we receive, especially that which comes from the mainstream media, is very deceptive and downright false. It is our responsibility to be informed, so that we can make the right decisions.

The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. I am always telling my girls to keep asking questions, because the narrative we are told, is only ever one sided, if even at that. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.

There is such a wonderful diverse group of people within the tribe and it’s really important that we all have the opportunity to voice our opinions and to pose questions that are relevant to our lives right now. Some of the questions in the past have been very personal, with some being more broader, but they’ve always been based around empowering ourselves and one another.

The question today has been put forward by @Elamental

"Are you afraid of your own success?"

We all have so much to offer and so much to learn from one another. There is a one week deadline for answers and everyone who does so, will get a upvote from the tribe of at least 10%.

I will also pick someone at random, who will receive 20% of the tie up post payout. Last week I asked my daughter to pick a number between 1 and 8, 8 being the amount of posts submitted and she chose the number 8, which was @riverflows. This is just one of the ways in which we will be spreading some of our Abundance throughout the platform.


Posting Guidelines

  • Post your answers to the question in the Abundance.Tribe community.
  • Use any form of expression that makes it easiest for you to share your Truth.
  • Post between now and the 10th June.
  • This question is open to everyone within the Hive Platform.

I look forward to everyone’s answers and I hope that you all are having a great week.


All The Other Wonderful Intiatives Happening Within Abundance.Tribe

Earth Deeds - Volume 10

Focalized by @Elamental

This contest is designed to inspire people to create content that reflects their services to the Earth. The process of creating and hosting this contest also makes me a better Earth custodian, inspires me to reduce my carbon footprint even more than I already am, and to continuously report on my actions of conservation.

Read the full post and enter the contest here


Abundance.Tribes Weekly Gems (Week of the 25th May to the 1st June)

Focalized by @Trucklife-Family

Today I have 16 articles that I wish to share with you all. With so much deception and violence happening in the world right now, it is so important that we come together and really think deeply about the narrative that is being told to us. Nothing is ever as it seems. So we need to become critical thinkers, so that we stay empowered and stay informed.

Read the Latest Weekly Gems Post Here


Sharing the Abundance GIVEAWAY!

Week 3 - Prehnite with Epidote from Mali, Africa - ::Entry Post:: & Week 2 Winner!

Focalized by @ELAmental

Each Thursday on @Abundance.Tribe we will be hosting a giveaway from now on. It is our mission as a community to share the abundance that we so graciously receive ourselves.

*There will be a new prize each week, many of which will be precious gems I acquired at the 2020 World Gem Show. *

Read the full post and enter the contest here


Abundance Tribe's Evergreen Collection #2 - Breathing Life Into Paid Out Posts

Focalized by @artemislives

There are so many good posts which are enjoyed so fleetingly, or perhaps not at all. Maybe it was published before you joined Hive or not yet following that author? Or that was the week you were fasting in a yurt in Mongolia without wifi? Life happens and the 7 day post rewards window is short. Many would say too short. There are also just so many reasons why a post is overlooked, forgotten or received less reward than it should have: autovoters were down, token price crashed, or it was another Hard Fork within moments of you pressing 'publish".

Read the full post here




I think I can give a thought upon it...somthing I need to open about....may be here I can be more clear with my thought.

@abundance.tribe, Nothing better than Self Awareness. It helps us to see the Truth of our State Of Reality.

Keep up the good work team and stay blessed.

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Perfect question and I will try to participate in given time frame.